Saturday, December 15, 2012

Of Death and Christmas Trees

Dear Emi,

Every morning, between the hours of 4 and 6 a.m. I wander into my living room, find my favorite chair, and say my morning prayers.  Then I quietly squeeze myself into a little place between my chair and my Christmas tree.  After turning on the tree lights, and gathering my scriptures...I settle in for an hour of pure delight as I pour over my scriptures and solve all the world's problems.

This is the time when my tree looks the prettiest.  When the rest of the house is dark, you cannot tell that Daniel has taken every single ornament and broken them, or that Joe has successfully rearranged the ornaments so that they all hang from one single branch, or that Gary was using a launching system to successfully land all of his toy cars into the tree.....NO, all you can really see is the lights, they overshadow every imperfection.  How fitting, that yesterday I found that the only thing to overshadow a sense of deep gloom and fear, was a light, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

A wonderful lady in my ward taught me a lesson that has tutored me for the last several years.  She told me that every time I begin to worry, my first reaction should be to pray.  So it has been, and so it was yesterday when I heard of the shootings  that killed 20 little children, yes the same ages as my kids..and don't kid yourself.....when I looked at the pictures, all I could really see was "What if's." What if those were pictures of my children?  Until it almost completely overwhelmed me, and then I knelt down.

During Family Scripture Study last night, we read a very fitting verse.....Alma, seeing the wickedness of the people begins to be overcome with the darkness that surrounds him, until, he finally cries out, "O Lord, my heart is exceedingly sorrowful;  wilt thou comfort my soul in Christ.  O Lord, wilt thou grant unto me that I may have strength that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall come upon me because of the iniquity of this people."  It is like C.S. Lewis wrote, "When you know you are sick, you will listen to the doctor."  There is only one Doctor who can cure something like this.  There is only one Light who can hide so many eyesores and provide happiness when, happiness does not ever seem possible again.

Our kids have been sick, which yesterday found us at the doctor.  While waiting for the test results, I found myself asking my Dr., who came from the middle east, if he was a Christian, if he would be celebrating Christmas.   He said to me, "I will be celebrating, but I am Hindu know, we believe in a great prophet."  He told me of how he had decided to become a doctor because of his desire to serve his fellow man....he learned that from studying about Jesus he said..  To which I said, "we believe Jesus is so much more than a prophet."  He looked at me and said,  "Yes, you believe He is the Son of God."  To which I said, "And more importantly, Our SAVIOR."

Emi,  Turn the lights on, look at everything through the lens of the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, and suddenly, everything will look bearable.

Love, Grandma

P.S.  A verse to Away in A Manger seems awfully fitting at the moment...Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay, close by me forever, and love me I pray....Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care, and Fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Dear Emi,

I have been going through a great PERSONAL CHECK these last several days.....It all started with a scripture, and a conversation, and then a talk, and then an all consuming I COULDN'T GET IT OFF MY MIND kind of thing.

The scripture:  Alma 26:31 (speaking of the strength of the newly converted Lamanites)  "Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors....yea and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their LOVE TOWARDS THEIR BRETHREN AND ALSO TOWARDS US."  In simple terms, we know they have a testimony because of how they treat other people.  Moroni 7:3-4 says the same thing.

The conversation:  My friend explained to me of an incident where an outsider to our faith witnessed a fight amongst our members, after the fight (which should have been simple public discourse) she approached one of the ladies and asked, "Aren't these people, of your faith?"

The Talk:  Elder Holland recently gave a talk which stated: A few years ago a young friend of mine—a returned missionary—was on one of the college basketball teams in Utah. He was a great young man and a very good ballplayer, but he wasn’t playing as much as he hoped he would. His particular talents and skills weren’t exactly what that team needed at that stage of its development or his. That happens in athletics. So, with the full support and best wishes of his coaches and his teammates, my young friend transferred to another school where he hoped he might contribute a little more.
As fate would have it, things clicked at the new school, and my friend soon became a starter. And wouldn’t you know it—the schedule (determined years before these events transpired) had this young man returning to play against his former team in Salt Lake City's then-named Delta Center.
What happened in that game has bothered me to this day, and I am seizing this unusual moment to get it off my chest. The vitriolic abuse that poured out of the stands on this young man’s head that night—a Latter-day Saint, returned missionary, newlywed who paid his tithing, served in the elder’s quorum, gave charitable service to the youth in his community, and waited excitedly for a new baby coming to him and his wife—what was said and done and showered upon him that night, and on his wife and their families, should not have been experienced by any human being anywhere anytime, whatever his sport, whatever his university, or whatever his personal decisions had been about either of them.
But here is the worst part. The coach of this visiting team, something of a legend in the profession, turned to him after a spectacular game and said: “What is going onEm here? You are the hometown boy who has made good. These are your people. These are your friends.” But worst of all, he then said in total bewilderment, “Aren’t most of these people members of your church?”...

 The day after that game, when there was some public reckoning and a call to repentance over the incident, one young man said, in effect: “Listen. We are talking about basketball here, not Sunday School. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. We pay good money to see these games. We can act the way we want. We check our religion at the door.”
 We check our religion at the door ”? Lesson number one for the establishment of Zion in the 21st century: You never “check your religion at the door.” Not ever.
Emi, do you see how this is all coming together.  The last few days I have feverishly been searching my mind with this question:  Is there any cause that I put above that of Christianity?  Is there ever a time where I justify myself in being unkind, because, "IT IS THAT IMPORTANT AND SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE?"
Emi, you NEVER check your religion at the door!  Not Ever!
Love, your contemplative Grandma
P.S.  Grandpa Foster always wanted "The Lord Never Wondered Which Side I Was On" written on his headstone.....I am wondering how many people wonder where I am at because of how I treat them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After....

Dear Emi,

The last call I took last night was from JD...(your first cousin once removed, which sounds so distant within a loving family, from now on, he is just your cousin)...."Aunt Kathy, Ohio is lost."  To which I replied, "then it is over."  And it was.  The election has been decided, and my mind had to come to grips with it also.  It started that process the minute that I was on the phone.  JD, was recently called to serve a two-year mission for our church to Seattle, Washington, our conversation ended with this, "JD, this just makes the next two years of your life all the more important."  He now begins the work of opening eyes to a nation that seems to be gradually closing their eyes to the word and love of God.  And I am not simply speaking of just the Presidential decision we made yesterday, there were many things on the ballot, and ALL OF THEM involved God.

Strangely enough, I went to bed with a feeling of incredible peace, hope, and an increasing resolve to wake up in the morning and not WASTE ONE MOMENT of time within my own circle of influence.

Although we may have been blinded to it, this election was largely about the issue of personal accountability. And as I have listened to the battle of this issue unfold over the airwaves, I have learned a couple of things.  Satan is a master craftsman of words.....but he can never "craft" feelings.  PEACE is a gift from God, which is given when we obey His word.  There will be hardships that my family will face because of the practices of politicians, but we will be okay.  No amount of policies, government officials, checks, or reassuring words, can soothe a trouble conscience in the the middle of the night.

This morning I woke up and took a walk with your Uncle Daniel and Joey!  Joe is funny, he will ride his bike to the corner, briefly stop and say "Mom, LOOK, a SIGN STOP!"  Then with very little regard to its meaning, he will ride on.  It reminds me of a story from Elder Bednar.  On September 12th, 2001, he had a meeting with President Hinckley.  The Prophet walked into the room and said, "Brethren, we live in troubled times....Now let's get to work!"  So, in the Spirit of Joey and President Hinckley, we can recognize this for what it is, but now it is time to get to work!

Emi, none of this is a surprise to the Lord.  

Love, your hopeful Grandma

P.S.  President Monson said, and I agree, "The future is as bright as your faith!"

Sunday, October 28, 2012

An Invitation

I have always been into politics, but never into parties.  Once, my dad attended a meeting where it was said that you couldn't be a good person and a democrat at the same time (remember Idaho is REDDER than Red).  He came straight home, called the local Democratic Party and ordered a sign to support Larry Ekohawk for a position in the Idaho House of Representatives.  The sign was carefully displayed and mowed around for several months.  Mr. Ekohawk won, and he was the right man for the job.  I take my lead from my dad.

Two days ago Jared and I were on a morning car ride (date night gets creative at this stage of the game) and he revealed to me his new formulated opinion...."I have decided that my PARTY is Christianity.  My issues are Honesty, Seeing the Best in Others, Working to Change from the Inside--Out, Kindness, Civility...these are my issues, and that is how I will judge every platform."    As with many things in our marriage, he put what I was thinking into words.

You may wonder why I am willing to put myself out there, open to any attack which surely comes once your foot steps into the political arena....
It is not because I am angry.  I can honestly say that all the hateful words being thrown around make me physically sick (remember the issue of kindness and civility).
I am simply following my GUT!  My sisters think I am crazy, my friends wonder if I have forgotten how to discuss anything but politics,  and my mom worries about my mental health :) but I can't help how I feel.  For several months, this feeling of worry for our country and the principles it was founded on grips at me constantly.  The only reprieve I ever receive is when I ask Heavenly Father to intervene.

And so for the invitation.  Next Sunday is FAST SUNDAY in our religion.  A day that we voluntarily go without food or drink for a day.  This week I will be fasting for a time in our nation's history where we, "SEEK [Him] daily...and take delight in approaching God."  A time when we shall CALL and the Lord shall answer "Here I Am!"  (Isaiah explains it much better than I do)

With the world on fire and this worry gripping at my heart, I will fast and invite you to join with me.

Remember, I am not a politician   I am a Christian, and instead of hearing the daily buzz from a million different sites or shows, I am looking for "Here I Am!"  I am looking to once again see the hand of God clearly in the dealings of a country that HE helped to create!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finding My Happy Place

Dear Emi,

Once again, it was a week with very little sleep.  THIS ELECTION MIGHT VERY WELL DELIVER ME TO AN EARLY GRAVE.  For YEARS I have been completely obsessed with Politics, starting way back in Logan, UT.....Brook Lane Apartments.  George W. Bush running for the first time.  As Holly Neiderer, Amy Moe and I entered the apartment after our nightly run, my ears hear the stinging words, "And Florida goes to Al Gore."  Obviously we were tuned into CNN and it obviously, the report was FALSE nevertheless.....Falling up the stairs I scream, "NOOOOOO!  We have to have Florida."

Well, this week there was a bit of screaming as well.  It started Tuesday night with the debate, and ended....well, I am not sure that your Grandpa would agree that it has ended.  I felt like Governor Romney was dignified and smart, when virtually ALL CARDS WERE STACKED AGAINST HIM. (for those on the opposing team, keep reading).  However, even when the timer had been sounded, you could tell that it was not fun for the Governor or his wife.  That night, your grandpa insisted on re-watching parts of the debate.  I was so stirred up inside that I promptly sent him to the Master Bath to watch so that I could get some sleep.  Still hearing traces of the argument I moved myself into the living room...trying to find my happy place.

The happy place stayed hidden for several days.  I looked on websites that supported my candidate and found that the "stirring" quickly turned into ANGER.  It is one thing to oppose a candidate, to debate facts, to share opinions.  It is quite another, to make fun of someone's opinions, looks, or gender status,  say nasty words, and endless insults.  Instead of finding comfort from "my" people....I just found out that they were not "my" people.

I stand by my candidate, his beliefs and policies, not by the garbage that gets endlessly passed around the internet.  I wondered what these people were thinking, if they wanted to convince someone to vote for their GUY, this was certainly not the way.....Remember, gentleness, meekness, love unfeigned...persuasion.  Are any of these sounding familiar?  We know how to win hearts....not turn them solidly against you.

Emi, Thursday morning I finally found my happy place.  The temple.  Where problems, big and small, seem solvable.  Where the Savior seems ever-ready to heal.  Where thoughts become CLEAR.

Go to the Temple Emi...Keep your eye on the ball.  Be involved, but keep your eye on the ball!

Love, Grandma, who is looking forward to a good night sleep :)

P.S.  Did you know that the Prophet Noah preached repentance for 120 years before the flood came.  Tells me something of the kind of patience the Lord has for me :)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Who Will Protect the Children?

Dear Emi,

The last couple of nights have found me restless, thinking with intermittent sleep and dreams.  Sometimes I feel like the world's problems are on my front doorstep and I am left to solve them before my children exit the house.  I have heard the same story, twice now, from two different apostles, and it won't leave my thoughts.  I will give you the shorter version, coming from Elder Oaks:

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland recently shared the experience of an LDS police officer. In an investigation he found five young children huddled together and trying to sleep without bedding on a filthy floor in a dwelling where their mother and others were drinking and partying. The apartment had no food to relieve their hunger. After tucking the children into a makeshift bed, the officer knelt and prayed for their protection. As he walked toward the door, one of them, about six, pursued him, grabbed him by the hand, and pleaded, “Will you please adopt me?”8

Every time that story replays through my mind I see GARY, who is now 6 years old, grabbing my pant legs, with his freckles streaked by tears....."will you adopt me?"  Then everything falls apart.....And I am up all night again.

Two nights ago there was a vp debate and one of the final questions concerned abortion.  One of the candidates said that he believed that it was not a good practice, but he couldn't force his belief on someone else......women had to have a choice...  My mind will not leave this either.

Emi, women have a choice.  The moment they begin to have a sexual relation with someone, THIS IS WHEN THEIR CHOICE IS MADE.  Then each choice after that must be made in behalf of the child.   I keep wondering when we will wake up and realize that there are consequences to every action we take.  As much as any politician or otherwise would have you think,  YOU CANNOT LIVE ANY WAY YOU WOULD LIKE, AND NOT EXPERIENCE THE CONSEQUENCES.  

Emi, be good to the children.  They need us. We are their protection.

Love, a sad Grandma

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dear Emi,

I am finding that "so much to little time" applies to my life more every day.  It is great to be a mom!  Life is full of fun and meaning!  However, before the month flies beyond us, I wanted to report on the AWESOMENESS that is going on around here :)

#1  JOE TURNED FOUR on October 2nd.  The best way to describe Joe is a TENDER-HEARTED kid with a TEMPER.  In preparation for the big day I made a crown, a cape, a superhero mask (which will also fill in nicely for Halloween) and a tractor cake.  He was in heaven.  The birthday was great, but the following pictures were AWESOME.  I don't promote brotherly disharmony, but when someone wants to blow out your candles....then apparently the gloves are off.

This is how the birthday party began...

This is how it ended......

#2  The following picture says it all....look this debate up in the history books :)  (Even if you aren't a Romney supporter, you have to love his family and how his boys love him!)

#3  My niece McKayla participated in the Distinguished Young Woman of Idaho contest this past week!  Ally and I got to go!  She was AWESOME.....stunning on stage, talented, well-spoken, and the list goes on.  However, more than all of that together, she is GOOD.  Each night there was a table in the foyer where parents and friends could set things and a cute little girl would run them down to McKayla or the other contestants   In return, McKayla could send things up to us.
It is affectionately called the "UP-DOWN TABLE."  On the last night McKayla got a note that said something like this, "McKayla!  You are beautiful  Good Luck!, Love Maggie, the Up Down Girl."  McKayla is AWESOME at being good and making others feel good about themselves!  And this picture is more than AWESOME....McKayla performing her piano selection.

#4  This week, President Monson, the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints announced that the age requirements for serving a mission had changed.  For years, it has been that young men are eligible to serve at age 19, and young ladies are eligible at age 21.  No Longer.....Young Men at 18 and Young Women at 19.

There are many many AWESOME things about this, but I wanted to share just a few.  The Lord is Brilliant and every once in a while it becomes TOTALLY evident that He is at the helm of His church.  As is the case here.  It seems like years and years of changes, preparation, and announcements have been leading up to this  moment.

Secondly, the youth of this particular generation are READY.  They are smart, good, and most importantly, burning with testimony.  As one of Jared's seminary students put it yesterday, "There is no more time to mess around."  It seems with every passing day, the lens is sharpened, and the work moves it is time to pick up our pace.  We are at T-10 until Ally or Sam are ready to wear the name tag!  Like I said, I love being a MOM!

This is AWESOME!

Emi, Be good!  It all happens so fast, don't miss out on a single minute of it!

Love, a busy, but very happy Grandma

P.S.  If you choose to serve a mission Emi, your Grandpa Foster always said, "Nobody has ever died of homesickness!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th

Dear Emi,

It is September 11th, and just like the Fourth of July, needs no other Title.  I remember THE September 11th that created this anniversary.  I was 4 days away from getting married to your Grandpa!  But that Monday morning I woke up, met my carpool, and headed to Bear River City, UT to begin my final day teaching as a single woman.  I was the driver that morning and my passengers were sound asleep. Listening to the radio, and 2 minutes away from school the news came.....We interrupt this Broadcast......

We rushed into the school to meet all of our coworkers standing in front of a television.....The teacher that taught 5th grade as a full-time job, and was a Red Cross Worker on the side said, "They always tell us that when one tragedy strikes to be alert for a second one, if it is a malicious attack."  And just at that moment, the 2nd plane hit.

I had a class of 25 fourth graders to then attend to for the next 8 hours.  Full of questions...with no answers that I was aware of.  That afternoon I would call my parents who were at the time serving an 18 month mission in Birmingham Alabama, but had a flight scheduled to get home just in time for my wedding.  I was prepared to put on my brave face and say, "Mom, Dad, its okay if you can't come."  But true to form, they called first and said, "We are on our way, we just left Alabama and will be there in 2 days."

Four days later we celebrated our wedding.  Our reception was HUGE.  People came and it seemed that they simply did not want to leave.  They were all at the tables, eating, taking, enjoying some sense of normalcy. 

I have long been fascinated with John Adams.  Today I read an account of his heritage.  On his paternal side, his family fled from England  under persecutions from the Government.  On his maternal side, his family members were passengers on the Mayflower.  Thus earning him the title of "Son of Liberty."  It seems that his ancestor's sacrifice was in his DNA and his entire genetic make-up was geared to fight for freedom.

I have read it before, but today it struck me...."Son of Liberty."  Although my ancestors have a different story, theirs was a fight for religious freedom, fleeing from a government that would not allow religious freedom.  Today, I feel like a "Daughter of Liberty" as their sacrifice has been mulling through my mind for several days.

A few days ago, thousands of people at a political conventions shouted "NO" to the thought of including GOD in a political document.  I watched the video over and over, scanning the faces of these people screaming no to --- GOD.  And I was sick.  Sick for these people who thought it wise to ignore God.  God has a way of always being heard.  And when we don't hear the still small voice, mercifully, He has other ways to get our attention, and bring us back.

Emi...I am worried that our country has forgotten, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty are being lost in a sea of words and promises.

Love, Your Grandma....who is wondering where to go from here!

P.S. Emi, Liberty is always worth fighting for!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

the JOY of families!

Dear Emi,

I have woken up the last two mornings with a familiar line from a hymn rumbling through my mind....."Go Forth with Faith to Tell the World the Joy of Families."  (I tried to Google a version for you, but alas, it must not rumble through Mack Wilberg's mind as there were no Mormon Tabernacle Choir versions available - oh well, look it up).

This past Monday was Labor Day...and may I just tell you how brilliant it is (on so many fronts) to have a vacation the 2nd Monday of School.  So, with our day off we took ourselves to the Mesquite Rec Center for 5 hours of PURE FUN!  Time after time I watched Sam and Gary go down the slide TOGETHER...Like they liked each other.  And Ally tote Daniel up the 30 steps and conquer the slide just to report to us how "big Daniel's smile was that time".  And Joseph waiting patiently at the bottom to "scare" me each each time I came off the slide.

As we were leaving, a young couple came in.  They looked as if they were newlyweds.  I saw them get in the pool and have fun alone....but I thought to myself, "Just get's so much better."

A few weeks ago your Grandpa and I had the chance to go to the Salt Lake Temple and see Daniel Rust and Emily get married (yes, the Daniel that our Daniel is named after).  It was beautiful!  And I found myself KNOWING again, what I have known before.....

The sealing rooms (the room they were married in) are so pretty.  But what makes them beautiful is the Mirrors that adorn the two opposing walls.  When a person sitting in the middle of the room looks into the mirrors, the image they see seems to go on without end, representing Eternal life, without end,  in the presence of loved ones.

Each time I find myself looking at those images.  When I look forward, I see Me, as a mom.  In the Second image I see ME again, as a grandma.  In the third....a great grandma.  When I look behind, I see ME as a daughter.  In the second image, me as a granddaughter.  The third....a great granddaughter.  But sitting in that room, without those mirrors and the connections they represent, the room suddenly becomes a very lonely place.  Filled with just ME.

Emi, have faith, and have a will bring you greatest happiness!

Love your Grandma, who should be cleaning, but kept hearing the rumblings!

P.S.  Speaking of our little Daniel, he has managed to break, destroy, and dirtify the entire house in the time it took me to write this... JOY :)

Friday, August 31, 2012


Dear Emi,

It is exactly 1:30 on a Friday afternoon.  And with a great sigh of relief I am here to report that the first week of school has been survived - ISH. (One night I was taking Holly Rust home from babysitting my children.  I turned to her and asked if she got the kids in bed alright.  She said, "um....ish."  Meaning, "it wasn't alright, but it happened."  Which pretty much describes 98.5% of my life :)

I remember Friday school nights when I was growing up.  Mom and dad usually headed to the temple, which left my sisters and I at home, to entertain ourselves with old 80's music, the tv, and things really got interesting when our neighbor's nephew, Tad, was around.  (We were all the definition of HOMEBODY.  Not because it was the cool thing to do...just because we had a lot more fun with each other than anyone else.)  Eventually, the parents would wind into the driveway bearing bags and bags of groceries from Broulims.  (Yes spellchecker, Broulims is a real word).  We would all unload the groceries and find ourselves feasting on bananas and Brach's candy....whatever happened to real Brach's candy!

When I was in college it was a little tougher to be a homebody, but more often than not, I would find myself leaving Logan, and driving to my sister's in Smithfield.  At which point Brynne and I would settle down for a nice night of CORY and TOPANGA :)  (Boy meets World, which rivals Saved by the Bell for the most ridiculous sitcom ever created.)

A few years ago I was visiting Logandale 5th ward (?) and Bishop Barlow was talking about having good family traditions.  He had his young daughter (who just graduated from high school last year) get up and tell the congregation about "Friday Fun Night."  She said that every Friday when her dad got home from work the family would pick a fun activity to do TOGETHER.

I went home and told Jared that Friday Fun Night was being instituted immediately.  And so it has, for the last 5 years, been our stolen tradition.  It usually includes some yummy food (pizza, crepes, or anything you can eat with chopsticks!) and a yummy treat (orange chicken and somoa bars are on the menu tonight :0  Then we watch a movie, and let our kids fall asleep on the couch.  :)  It doesn't sound like much....but when Joe (the 3 year old) runs into your room at 6:30 a.m. and announces (waking up the rest of the house)  MoM!  It's Friday Fun know it is more than just ish!

Emi - Be happy!  You can make it through another day!  Friday is on its way :)

Love, Your Grandma, who can't wait for your Grandpa, and the bus to get home!

P.S.   This week we celebrated your Great Grandpa Bolton's 72nd Birthday.  We ate spaghetti for dinner :0 Every time we visited Bluebell, I would wake up to your Great Grandpa sitting at the head of the table enjoying a Large bowl of Spaghetti (at 6 in the a.m.)  Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear Emi,

To say that this mornings routine was interrupted by one very grouchy child, would be understating the entire affair.  Knowing that the unnamed child was tired and adjusting to a new school schedule, I tried to be kind and patient...and then kind and patient...and then I tried to just be quiet because Patient and Kind were quickly leaving the scene.

Finally it was time to walk to the bus stop.  As we walked, and got closer and closer to his peers, his demeanor seemed to MAGICALLY change.  At first I was relieved, and then I was MAD.  As the bus drove up the street I said my last goodbyes and I love you's and then I turned to him and said, "Please try to be nice happy at school, not like this morning."  With utter disdain he turned to me and said, "Ugh!  Mom, I always act nice at school!"

He obviously missed Grandma Foster's Family Home Evening at Bear Lake this year when she taught us about being kind to our FAMILY members.  Saying over and over, "Be NICER to your FAMILY than you are to your FRIENDS"  (which is not an excuse to start treating your friends badly).

Whenever I see people treating their family badly I think of a quote from one of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, said the expert devil to the devil in training, "The great thing is to direct the malice to his IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORS whom he meets every day and to thrust his benevolence out to the remote circumference, to people he does not know.  The malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary.

 And no, I am not going to start quoting C.S. Lewis to my 7 year old, but I might quote his grandpa     It reminds me of the times I heard him teach the church lessons on "love thy neighbor."  He would ask, "who is your neighbor?"  The class, with a sense of pride, would say, "EVERYONE."  In turn he would say, "That is a sad excuse.  It does little good for your character to feed the children in Ethiopia when you can't even help the people you live by."

Emi, mind your grandma and be nicer to your family than you are to your friends.

Love, your Grandma, who is currently planning and early night for a 7 year old.

P.S.  Miss Maudie, Atticus Finch's neighbor once said of him.  'Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.'  Today (and most days) Atticus is my hero!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Emi,

The first day of school has been conquered and EXHAUSTION is the end result.  However, it did not go exactly how it had been planned.  In my minds eye, I pictured a day where I finally regained composure and started on that To-Do list that turned into a BOOK over the summer.  Yet, as I looked at the clock just in time to run and pick Gary up from the Kindergarten bus, I glanced at the sink full of dishes  and realized that I had not even accomplished the basics and my BOOK gained another unexpected chapter.

 I have been losing my grip over the last month.  Three cardinal sins have been committed in a matter of 2 weeks.  FIRST, I opened my pantry to find that there was not one drop of KETCHUP left in the entire house.  What kind of mother am I?  No Ketchup.  So I call Jared in Vegas and send him to the store.  To my UTTER DISMAY he returns with a bag full of KROGER ketchup.  REALLY?  To my knowledge, there is only ONE kind of ketchup and it is spelled HEINZ...what kind of name is KROGER anyway.......SECOND, the bathroom closet contains NO MORE deodorant.  (Yes I realize that this is worse than ketchup, but not worse than KROGER ketchup).  FINALLY, my BENNY card has been SUSPENDED (Insurance is never EASY)!

So what did I do....I woke up this morning, went on a run, read my scriptures, and PRAYED really hard that I could get it together.  On my run, I listened to a conversation between Sherri L. Dew and Elder Cook.  Sister Dew posed this question....."There are some today that feel like life is almost becoming nerve racking....what is your counsel?"  Elder Cook's response, "I just feel exactly the opposite!  I don't think there is anything more significant that we feel joy and we rejoice in the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Now I realize that Sister Dew wasn't talking about ketchup and deodorant....But Elder Cook was talking to me.  I have much to be happy about!  And the To-Do Book can wait....until tomorrow :)

Be Happy Emi!  You know how this all turns out :)

Your Grandma, who is currently learning to cope with bad ketchup

P.S.  Did you know that your clothes dry quicker if you shake them out before you put them in the is Physics!  Ask Grandpa Foster about it before your journey begins :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dear Emi

Dear Emi,

This is the beginning of multitudes of letters and file cabinets full of advice - STORE them.  One day you will find them worthy of your perusing.  This is also the beginning of my blog, taking a new direction.  You see, your Great Aunts (#2 and #3 in particular :) told me that I can be a little preachy when I provide the world with my sentiments.  So, I thought I would provide it in a different way.

My sentiments were always meant for my children and their children.  And Yes!  I was always preaching to you, it is my job. (And this way, not even the grave will deprive me of my favorite pastime:).  As for the rest of virtual world, lucky for them, they were not born into the "clan"  so they can choose to enjoy the journey of young motherhood or not.  No guilt, no offense, no strings, to them , just sentiments.  To you, WISDOM...consider it carefully!

Why Emi?  Well, we were only blessed with one girl.  We named her Ally, simply because we wanted to leave the hospital with a name.  For months, her name was considered.  I wanted Emma, Cory, anything with a little depth, meaning and history.  Jared wanted Ally.....Ally it was.  (It seemed to be a moment of weakness on my part, after all, I had just endured 23 hours of labor and had never known the meaning of TIRED until that moment).  However, in the long run, it all works out.  I kept reminding Jared that he got to name the first one and all following (Sam, Gary, Joseph, Daniel) have been named by Yours Truly :)  It wasn't until recently that I fell in love with a girl's name.....Emi.....but the children have all been named, and Ally seems to be content with her title, so we will look to the next generation.  Emi!  It is!

Tomorrow we start school.  Ally is a 4th grader, Sam a 2nd grader, and Gary a kindergartner.  I never sleep the night before school starts.  Not  when I was in school, and especially not NOW!  The world seems to rest on my ability to meet nutritional, emotional, and "perfect first day outfit" needs.  Talk about stress.

It is times like these that I want to absorb myself in some sort distraction.  Anything crafty would do, or physical (hours at the gym-never sounded like a break until now) or even intellectual.  A full day with a good book could erase all of my worries.  But I can't...because I have serious guilt issues.

Sister Beck came to your Aunt JoDee's stake several years ago to talk to the Relief Society sisters and engaged them in a session  of question and answer.  According to your Aunt's account, a tired young mom got up and asked a forgettable question, but Sister Beck's response has been burnt into my mind......"Just remember, young motherhood is where it is at.  It is the time that you learn about the God's purposes for the family, or you learn to be distracted."

Emi, don't get distracted!

Love, Your sleepless Grandma!

P.S.  Last night I browsed through a book..."Dear Me"  where actors wrote letters to their 16 year-old selves?  Do you know what I learned?  You can actually be dumber at 65 than 16.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Note of Disclosure

Politics stirs something inside of me.  I can be having a completely normal day with an adequate amount of self control weighing in my balance, and then it happens....I hear the news, my heart starts to race (literally), my throat tightens and the WAR begins.

My grown-up, more restrained (don't laugh) self goes into battle against my Senior in high school self who sat directly in the middle of Mr. Issac's government class, just waiting for the teacher, classmate to say ANYTHING that could possibly turn into a debate.  I LOVED a GOOD debate.  But times have changed, and debating only leaves me with a pit in the bottom of my stomach.  I consider it sheer DIVINE INTERVENTION that Facebook was not invented during my teenage years.   Now only Mr. Issac's class and a few others get to remember me that way :)

However, because the issues have been occupying a lot of my thoughts as of late (and this blog is supposed to be about my thoughts) I thought it would only be appropriate for me to disclose who I am voting for......WAIT FOR IT........I know you will never guess.........Romney and Ryan (that has a nice ring to it :)

As of late, that stirring that I referred to earlier has been more frequent.  I like Romney, and when someone insults him, I take it PERSONALLY.  It reminds me of that quote in "You've Got Mail" when Joe Fox is trying to explain to Kathleen Kelley that what he did wasn't personal and in desperation she says, "What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?" (this is my favorite quote)

I find ANYTHING "Mitt Romney" becoming personal to me.  I think it is very hard to separate Mitt Romney from Mormonism.  And  "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ..." When he first started the campaign process, I watched with very critical eyes, looking for a flaw that would find him straying from the standards that Mormons hold dear.  Surely it would come.....he is a politician isn't he?  I have been watching now for over 4 years and my view has not been tainted.  He is a man who holds steadfastly to values.

Here comes the personal part.  Those values, just happen to be the SAME ones I believe in.  I have always wanted someone to ask me this question, "What defines you most as a person?"  Without belief in Jesus Christ and my knowledge that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His living and true church upon the earth.  

So when anything Mitt Romney is mentioned Mormonism also rings in the air...and then it personal. And what is so wrong with being personal anyway :)  I have never met him.....seen him, but I feel like I know him, because it is personal.  

Now lest you think I have based my voting opinions on his religion alone, I have one more thing to disclose :)  As much as I love members of my own church, I LOVE AMERICA and its future more.  My like for Mitt Romney is PERSONAL, my vote for MItt Romney is Political.  Political in the very purest sense.  Electing someone to Govern and not dictate, inspire not bind, and someone who will once again, let the bells of freedom ring.  Remember....."He died to make men holy, Let us Live to Make Men FREE."  

My soapbox has ended, the stirring has died down, now I will go make some cookies :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

When Life Hangs in the Balance

Today, Jared's Dad passed away.  On Saturday night we received that dreaded phone call....the one that everyone will receive at some point...and just by the sound of the voice on the other end, you know that something Life-Altering has happened, and so you wait and during each long pause you try to build up the courage to TAKE IT...and then you crumble.

Jared's dad was in an accident.  He was found badly wounded, lying in the middle of a forest road, with his horse standing as sentinel.  Nobody knows what happened, where it happened, or when it happened.  Now we will never know.  He was life-lighted to IHC in Murry, UT and placed in intensive care for head and brain trauma.  The next 3 days would prove to be even more life-altering.

If death is ANYTHING, I have found it to be the ultimate teacher.....Tonight I would like to tell you what I have learned this week....

Waiting Rooms (in situations like these) are Hallowed Ground.  They are where families struggle through something hard and ugly and come through it TOGETHER.  The outcome is not always what you would have chosen, but those who lived through the process learn to love those who were willing to live through it with them.     REAL family ties are created in hospital waiting rooms.

When death is near, emotions are as well, and we find ourselves doing things we would not normally do...
Like raiding the closest neighborhood block party when the smell of steak overwhelmingly overpowers the thought of going back to the waiting room to the same Costco cookies that have been there to greet you for the last 24 hours.  (It was one thing to raid the party.....but did they not have enough steak to bring back and share with the rest of us :)  I will never look at Costco cookies the same again.

There are two dimensions in every hospital room.  The first attacks you as you enter the door to see a loved one buried under tubes and machines........this physical dimension is overloaded with charts, beeps, numbers (oh the numbers), scans, monitors....And as you quietly let it all sink in, the second dimension works its way into the picture, it probably starts with silent pleading prayers, transforms into your "gut feelings,"  and ends with peace.....peace that drowns out the numbers, the beeps, the tests.  

When death is near, there are those who would like to be in the "waiting room", but it is simply not an option, so you appoint a messenger of sorts.  Someone who will relay the details. It is best to appoint a WOMAN to this job.  When men attempt to do it....It starts with very few details and ends with even fewer,  but we love Trent :)  because he is always willing to make the CONTACT.

When life hangs in the balance heaven, ever so softly, touches the earth.  And while heaven and earth play their game of tug of war, each trying to tip the scale, there will come a MOMENT.  And in this one moment it becomes absolutely clear that a wise Father in Heaven is holding the scales.  He sees more, He knows more, He will make the final call, and it will be the right one.  

I love Jared's parents, THEY GAVE ME JARED.  I am eternally indebted to them for their willingness to raise a righteous family, who would one day become my own. Tonight Death has taught me once again, that Eternity, Together Forever, is our only option.  The Savior our only Hope.  And FAMILY our greatest ANCHOR.

Monday, June 18, 2012

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!

I have a friend named Jen!  We were Aggies together!  In fact, the first time I remember seeing her was at an Elementary Education Major Meeting.  Everyone was introducing themselves, I remember her standing up, saying her name, and then  all of a sudden we were signing up for clubs with each other.  (Which is really amazing, because I really don't do CLUBS and I am not big on strangers.)  But Jen never felt like a stranger to me, and this week I saw her after 10 long years.  She still didn't feel like a stranger.  No awkward pauses, no gap in time.  I think you know how good a friend is when you can pick up right where you left off, be it 10 years or 2 hours ago.

We have a lot of history in the short couple of years that we knew each other (it was short because she INSISTED on marrying Brad, which I have to admit NOW was a good idea.  At the time, I didn't think it was a very good idea, simply because she left me to deal with singlehood alone.)  I remember as we pulled out of her parents driveway to visit Las Vegas for Spring Break, her mom rushed out with a roll of quarters for both of us.  (Believe me when I say that I have never felt so close to the edge :)  Or the time that I got to use one of their season tickets to the Jazz game and sit right behind Karl Malone and use the same bathroom as John Stockton's wife.  Especially the time when we sat in our Professor's office, wondering why I got a B+ and Jen got an A-.  And the response,  pointing at me "You got a B+ because you deserved it, and Jen, you got an A- because you are friends with her." pointing at me again.....

The friendship was really one sided as you can tell.  Jen did a lot more for me than I could have done for her. I think the one reason I love Jen so much is because, during a time of SELF-ABSORPTION (otherwise known as college) she took a great interest in my life, and my family -What made me - ME!  She still does, she could remember each of my sister's names, where they were, details of their kids, and we talked in length about my parents.  I hope I  can be the same way.

Well, we chatted and ate, and chatted, then when I knew Jared would be waiting for me (we were staying in a hotel in Henderson because Jared had a week long meeting and we came to join him) I rushed home, pulled in the parking spot as quickly as possible, and hurried to get the kids in bed.

In my rush, I pulled into a Handicapped parking spot (totally on accident, I never would have done it, had I realized what I was doing).  After a long night of Daniel screaming for hours on end, I decided to end our little vacation early, do the grocery shopping, and head home.  When we had packed up and headed to the car, we were greeted by a nice pink ticket.

352 DOLLARS for parking in a handicap parking spot.

ARE YOU SERIOUS HENDERSON?  352 dollars?  You are killing.  So from that point on, I want to THROW UP.  But I still have to go to Winco, Costco, Wal Mart, ParTy City, and DSW.  But.....I want to throw up, and I have had 3 very small hours of sleep to go on.

We made it to Winco and I can tell that I am going to lose it.  Every little move that my 5 children made seemed punishable with prison time at this point.  I was trying to be the good mom, but my tongue was on the verge of doing things that, very quickly I would regret.

There is a quote that goes through my head at times like these.  It is from Elder Holland, talking about how Joseph Smith reacted to all of his trials.

It has always been a wonderful testimony to me of the Prophet Joseph’s greatness and the greatness of all of our prophets, including and especially the Savior of the world in His magnificence, that in the midst of such distress and difficulty they could remain calm and patient, charitable and forgiving—that they could even talk that way, let alone live that way. But they could, and they did. They remembered their covenants, they disciplined themselves, and they knew that we must live the gospel at all times, not just when it is convenient and not just when things are going well. Indeed, they knew that the real test of our faith and our Christian discipleship is when things are not going smoothly. That is when we get to see what we’re made of and how strong our commitment to the gospel really is.

So what did I do?  I paid for my groceries, got in the car, got on the Freeway, and headed home.  I knew that it was time to cut my losses before I LOST it all together.  And if I were thinking correctly, the real question, at the time, would have been.....WHO ON EARTH HAS MONEY TO SHOP, WHEN THEY JUST RECEIVED AT $352 PARKING TICKET?????/

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Can You Say FOURTEEN?????

So today I took my old scriptures to church.  They are maroon and I LOVE them.  I think that the time period in which I used them, I fell completely in love with studying my scriptures!  So, as I sat in the back of the Primary room, I began to leaf through the which point I came across a great quote, which I have already forgotten, but which REMINDED me of another great quote.  It happens to be one of my favorites.  It comes from President Eyering and it goes a little something like this:

“My experience has taught me this about how people and organizations improve: the best place to look is for small changes we could make in things we do often.  There is power in steadiness and repetition. And if we can be led by inspiration to choose the right small things to change, consistent obedience will bring great improvement.”

He is right!  I know he is right, because I have tried this principle a dozen times since I came across this quote...and he is right!  And so, let me tell you how I arrived at the Number 14.  

I am not quite sure how to describe to you what happens to a person that has 5 children in a period of 8 years, but let's just say that it takes a toll (Mentally - YES!  Physically - ABSOLUTELY!)  I have an oldest sister who has always been a little slightly obsessed with exercising.  When I first started having kids I would say in front of her (JUST FOR THE REACTION)  I am going to have all of them quick, and then worry about losing the weight.  I GOT THE REACTION!  And 8 years later I was left wishing that I was the sister obsessed with exercising :)  

Several months ago, I realized that the physical toll that my body was paying was affecting everything.  What seemed like a weight problem was really a spiritual and emotional problem.  My energy was GONE!  I was sharp and unkind to my kids energy was gone.  I was convinced that I was going to die young....doubt and fear clouded my thoughts.   And MY FEET HURT!  So I did what I do when I need help, real help!  

I committed to myself that things were going to change and began that commitment with a FAST, to ask for Heavenly Father's help and direction.   At the end of my fast I was given the needed inspiration, and let's just say that I knew it was needed, because it cut right to the core.  This thought came clearly to my mind -- Kathryn, you sin in two ways.....What goes into your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth!  Shortly after this little revelation, my good friend suggested that I only eat when it was TIME to EAT!  Sit down at Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack.  But don't spend your day grazing on left over peanut butter sandwiches, pretzels, candy that the kids bring home from school......Do I need to go on?  

Because my physical problem was really a spiritual problem, this small change affected me enormously!  I am POSITIVE it was with Heavenly Help that I found it possible to close my mouth when something derogatory wanted to escape it or some wandering food wanted let it (Yes, when there are 5 small children, there is wandering food). 

The first week I lost 3 pounds!  It felt like 100.  To be perfectly honest, the first day I stuck to my commitment of controlling my mouth, I felt as light as a feather, it didn't even take a week.  That is the cool thing about the Lord.  When ever you make the motion, He meets your sacrifice IMMEDIATELY.  I came upon this scripture recently and thought it shared my gratitude better than I could:  Alma 34:31

31 Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for  if ye will repent...immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you.

Well, I think we are on week 8, and I have lost 14 lbs.  I know that doesn't seem like a TON, but as my coach Annie says, "It is a ton, a can of paint weighs 12 lbs."  A can of paint is heavy, and I am happy.  Actually, this entire post has very little to do with weight and a lot to do with gratitude!  I am grateful that the Lord never sees my problems as trivial or says with a disdainful look, "she got herself into this mess, she can get herself out of it!"  And most of all, I am grateful, that out of SMALL things, GREAT things are brought to pass!

Monday, June 4, 2012


This weekend was Stake Conference!  I enjoyed it immensely.  One quote struck me so much, that I made it pretty.  And that is all that I wanted to share with you today!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get To WORK :)

I believe I was a Beehive (strange name for a 12 and 13 year old girl’s youth group in our church), sitting on the copper folding chair in the Young Women’s Room of the Ashton, Idaho Stake Center.  There was some sort of fancy meeting going on and my dad was the featured speaker.  He was standing behind the brown kidney shaped table, in a dark suit, white shirt, tie, scriptures unfolded in front of him.  I was sitting to the right, probably in that navy blue knit dress that got WAY too much use during those teenage years.  

I have no idea what the topic was…..I am guessing it was “testimony,” but I distinctly remember him turning the pages in his scriptures to Alma 32 vs27 and reading it.  Then saying – “WAKE UP PEOPLE!  It all makes sense, look around!  It all makes sense!”  To this day, I can hear it and see it, and I am not sure why that burnt such a mark on my heart, but I don’t think that my testimony has ever been the same.    From that moment on, I have been completely in love with Alma chapter 32. 

To say that I have read it a few times would be correct, but over the past several months, I have read it with different eyes.  We are at a point in our lives when we are watching several young people that we love, go through the dreaded process (seriously, I don’t know how any of us survive it) of courtship!   I am now ready to rename Alma 32 to “Guide to Courtship, Marriage, and Beyond!”  I am sure that captivating title begs you to move forward.  (Maybe if you say it like Buzz Lightyear would say it, it would appear more exciting to youJ  It worked for me!)

We enter a rather difficult part of Alma’s life as he is teaching the Zoramites.  There are some that want to understand but Alma can see they are not ready to take that giant leap into faithfulness!  He knows that they would enjoy a SIGN right about now (vs17).  “If we just KNEW it was the right thing FOR SURE, We would do it FOR SURE!” Sound Familiar?

“I want to get married; I really do….but how am I supposed to know that HE is THE ONE?”  If I could just know for sure….”

Alma carefully corrects their desire for sign and basically says, it isn’t about SIGNS, it is about FAITH (faith is really a code-word for WORK).  So let me rephrase.  “It isn’t about SIGNS, it is about WORK.”  Yes, Courtship is WORK.  Working to FIND A RIGHT ONE, and making the right one WORK. 

So get to work (vs. 26)  LOOK AROUND!  AWAKE, Arouse Your FACULTIES!  Start DATING!  And once you get a date, examine it very carefully.  Remember, the seed will not grow unless it is a TRUE seed (vs. 28).  That means it has to be able to grow into something.  Perhaps something ETERNAL.  So are all the right things in order?  Is it the RIGHT TIME (remember MISSION precedes MARRIAGE).  As far as I know, could I take this person to the RIGHT PLACE (there is only one place that makes things ETERNAL)!  If you can answer YES to those questions….keep moving! 

And the Lord gives you another set of questions shortly after.  Does this process pass the SEED test (vs. 28)  SWELL, ENLARGE, ENLIGHTEN, and DELICIOUS?  How do you feel when you are with this person?  If any of the previous emotions occur, say to yourself, “It must needs be that this is a good seed,” and keep moving forward. 

Now it must pass one more test!  “And now behold, are you sure that this is a good seed?  I say unto you, Yea; for every seed bringeth forth unto its own likeness.”  (vs.31)  Remember this, a relationship born out of VIRTUE will want to remain VIRTUOUS! 

I could go on FOREVER!  Literally, I could, but I will stop, I will let you read the rest of the chapter for yourself and discover that the nourishing doesn’t end when marriage happens, and the process repeats itself until ETERNITY is finally here!  But please remember, Faith is code for WORK.  Working to FIND A RIGHT ONE, and making the right one WORK.    So get to work, because I am ready to plan some fantastic WEDDING GIFTS for some of you.  And for some others of you remember mission precedes marriage, so STOP working and WORK on something else J

Friday, May 4, 2012

Lessons from Big Bad John

To say that life has been a bit demanding lately would not be overstating the truth.  There is nothing special going on, just motherhood and it's sleepless nights and busy days.  But I am EXHAUSTED and I knew that exhaustion had carried me to the BRINK when I went on a morning run.

Putting the earplugs in and turning on the ipod was a perfect start.  UNTIL the song......Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean came on---Don't JUDGE!   (I am really not sure why they even call it a song...he never sings a word)!  I remember putting it on my play list because it reminded me of my dad and taking long drives.  By the time Big Bad John is buried in the mine and they are erecting a monument, I am weeping uncontrollably. 

To top it off, the next song was Pink Shoelaces (really, this should be on the list of classics).  When I was about 10, my parents gave me a little jukebox filled with 8 tapes of 50's music.  Being the music connoisseur that I am, I was immediately attracted to this little ditty and by the end of the day, we had memorized every word and were performing actions to it on top of the fireplace for the entire family to see. (Don't deny it Erin and Susan--listen to it, you still know the actions--don't you!).  The memories started flowing and I stopped running.  I couldn't anymore, remember, I am on the BRINK, and for no apparent reason, WEEPING uncontrollably. 

By the end of the jog/run/convulsions, I had come to only one conclusion:  Parenting, it the most SELFLESS job ever created.  Let me tell you how I arrived there.  Remember Big Bad John?  Because he had done something good for humanity, they naturally erected a monument to him.  Don't we always expect a monument of some kind? 

Every Senior class is convinced that they were the greatest class to walk the halls of their school......They just know they should be remembered, so they plant a tree, engrave their names on a stone, post their pictures in the hall.......Do you see where I am going?  My dad always said that "there is nothing more important than a Senior boy."  When those important boys would ask him if they would be remembered, his answer was always the same.  "Pretty soon, you will just be a Whisper in the Halls."  "Never!"  They say, and they erect the monument!

I don't think my mom and dad ever did anything with the thoughts that there would be a plaque at the end of the tunnel!  But what if there was a plaque put in place every time a parent succeeded in teaching their children a life's lesson......

A plaque on my left foot "To Joe - for teaching me how to work, providing opportunities to kill gophers, roll trees, mow lawns, cut wood, stack wood...."

A plaque on my right foot "To Donna - for welcoming me home from a hard days work of killing gophers with Brownies, grape kool-aid, a clean home, and a smile." 

I could write the inscriptions folks, but let's be honest, we would run out of room very quickly, and as much as we want to show our appreciation, they wouldn't want it.  They do it simply for us.  Because they love us. 

I think I was weeping because I have finally come to realize that my dad is now just a "whisper in the halls," he "whispers" to me, and I can hear it.  Every time I switch my laundry I can hear him saying, "Kathryn, it is a law of physics that if you shake out your clothes, they will dry faster."  Every time I open my scriptures I can hear him say, "the good book should be studied."  Every time I am TIRED and want to quit, the whisper comes, "Buck Up Kathryn."

I am afraid that I am the only one that thinks it is sad.  Every time I do something good, the people that know me think--I did it.  They don't realize the work of parenting that went into it, and saddest of all, they don't know my dad.  So my heart wants to erect a plaque, but he wouldn't want it.  Remember, parenting is the most selfless job created.  Donna and Joe's years of parenting were a gift, without a name tag.  I GREAT RETROSPECT, that is how Big Bad John would have wanted it to :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

President "Grandpa" Packer

Okay, let's be honest.  He isn't my Grandpa.  In fact, I am pretty sure that I have never even seen a Packer in my family line or a Packer in person!  But let me explain....My Grandpa Grover died when my mom was a teenager, I still know very little about him (except that he was tall and had the JAW, both of which I inherited).  My Grandpa Foster died when I was 8, and although I have a few memories of him, they are fuzzy.  (He was also tall and had a JAW, CRAZY I know).  I am  sure that I will get to know and LOVE both in the eternities, (I would have loved them more if they would have left an inheritance large enough to pay for the orthodontic bill that their posterity (my children) inherited ---- just kidding :) but for the time being, I have adopted a grandpa.

Years ago, I remember watching President Packer in a General Conference Session and thinking to myself, "he should have been my grandpa."  I have felt that way about him ever since.  He, as one of my Priesthood Leaders, has taught me more about the DOCTRINE OF THE FAMILY than any other.  Things he has said come back to me at critical times and make me think, "I have a grandpa, I have a family, and my job is to get this family safely sealed and delivered to them!"

This talk that he gave in the last General Conference touched my heart perhaps more than any other. I just wanted to share a few quotes and thoughts:

President Packer:
Some years later in Cusco, a city high in the Andes of Peru, Elder A. Theodore Tuttle and I held a sacrament meeting in a long, narrow room that opened onto the street. It was night, and while Elder Tuttle spoke, a little boy, perhaps six years old, appeared in the doorway. He wore only a ragged shirt that went about to his knees.
On our left was a small table with a plate of bread for the sacrament. This starving street orphan saw the bread and inched slowly along the wall toward it. He was almost to the table when a woman on the aisle saw him. With a stern toss of her head, she banished him out into the night. I groaned within myself.
Later the little boy returned. He slid along the wall, glancing from the bread to me. When he was near the point where the woman would see him again, I held out my arms, and he came running to me. I held him on my lap.
Then, as something symbolic, I set him on Elder Tuttle’s chair. After the closing prayer the hungry little boy darted out into the night.
When I returned home, I told President Spencer W. Kimball about my experience. He was deeply moved and told me, “You were holding a nation on your lap.” He said to me more than once, “That experience has far greater meaning than you have yet come to know.”
Over the last little while, I have realized (by watching myself and others), that the way we feel about children is a great lithmus test for our own spiritual meter.  When I can't love something pure, there may be a lot of purity missing in my own life

President Packer:
One of the great discoveries of parenthood is that we learn far more about what really matters from our children than we ever did from our parents. We come to recognize the truth in Isaiah’s prophecy that “a little child shall lead them.”

A couple of weeks ago I was waiting in a grocery line with all 5 of my children, to which I heard this comment (one of the nicer comments that I have gotten in a grocery line)....."Wow!  You must be a Saint!" 

To which I said, "Nope!  But I am hoping that when I get done raising them, I will be, that is the point anyway!"  Can you believe that I said something so profound?  Really!  The greatest lessons in life happen within the family!

President Packer:
I was number 10 in a family of 11 children. So far as I know, neither my father nor my mother served in a prominent calling in the Church.
Our parents served faithfully in their most important calling—as parents. Our father led our home in righteousness, never with anger or fear. And the powerful example of our father was magnified by the tender counsel of our mother. The gospel is a powerful influence in the life of every one of us in the Packer family and to the next generation and the next generation and the next, as far as we have seen.
I hope to be judged as good a man as my father. Before I hear those words “well done” from my Heavenly Father, I hope to first hear them from my mortal father.

Amen!  I think I love Heavenly Father so much because I learned how a child can love a dad with my own.  Amen!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please Let Me Bore You!

This has been a FUN week for my family!  (Actually, the funnest thing about my family is that they can make any week fun).  If you don't want to read about how incrediblly wonderful my neices and nephews are, you can stop right here, but if you do.......I have a few things to brag about!

Years ago, the 4 oldest grandchildren named themselves the T4O (the 4 oldest)....I am not sure that was the most clever name, but they have gotten more clever as the years have gone on.  They tried to be cliquey at first, but it didn't work because "there are no groups or clubs at Grandma's!"  And as each grandchild has grown up, they have naturally become a part of that group.  They get special sneaking off to Aunt Ernie's house when everyone is asleep.....or.....well, really nothing else!

Well, this past month, the T40 has really outdone themselves, I am not their mothers, but sometimes I feel like I am, and I am just SO proud!  Here comes the Bragging.

Brynnie (Brynne) - my oldest sister, JoDee's, oldest daughter is happily married and attending Utah State (GO AGGIES!)  She has only been out of high school for a couple of years and her undergraduate is done!  She recently applied for Grad School, and was accepted to every school she applied to, but having Aggie Blood she chose USU and recived a $9,000 scholarship! 

Laney - (Delaney) - my second oldest sister, Kristine's, oldest daughter provided us with by FAR THE BIGGEST NEWS!  She is engaged to Chris!  We are all thrilled because, well, in another life, we think we were all very successful party planners.  But mostly we are thrilled because DELANEY is GOOD to the core and worthy to go to the TEMPLE (Idaho Falls to be exact) in July (on the 21st to be exact) and be married!

JD (Joseph D) - JoDee's second child is graduating from high school this year with a lengthy list of credentials!  Most of them have to do with sports - like being named the 2A Fifth District Player of the Year!  But 2 weeks ago he was also the lead in SINGING IN THE RAIN!  And tonight we got the BEST news!  JD was awarded the Thomas S. Monson Presidential Scholarship (the most prestigious schoalrship that BYU offers), and A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!!!!

Kayla (McKayla) - Kristine's second child participated in Jr. Miss this week.  It is a BIG DEAL in the Foster FAMILY!  Did I say BIG!!!!!!!  Anyway, she was AWESOME!  A "Pro" at everything she did.  She won INTERVIEW,  SCHOLASTIC, TALENT, PHYISCAL FITNESS, and POISE.  And then she Won it all! And in the process got enough money to pay for 1.5 semesters of college! (We will all be attending State Jr. Miss in OCTOBER)!!!! 

She is in the PINK!  Isn't she Beautiful!  (Very funny sidenote:  The girl standing on her left is Tristan Hillman, Nick and Launa Leavitt's grandaugther!  We spent the week Jr. Missing together.  She was Beautiful TOO and very talented!) 

Well, to say the least, I am proud!  They are overcoming all the CRAZY genes we passed on, and doing great things with their lives.  All the grandkids are talented, but most importantly, they are GOOD and make GOOD CHOICES every day!  It makes me so happy that they are so tight and love each other so much!  I am proud!  I know Grandma and Grandpa are proud too!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life is Good!

I just wanted to drop a quick note.  Life is Good.  I have spent the last two days listening to prophets of God!  Life is Good. 

I know with all of my heart that God lives!  He loves me and directs my life in a very personal way.  I know that His voice is still heard today.  It did not cease in Biblical times.  He has called prophets and apostles that direct the work of His church upon the earth today.  And I know that he directs my life through the whisperings of the Spirit. 

It gives me hope.....each of my children can have a direct link to heaven.....we can be safe in an ever darkening world.  Don't read my blog.....Listen to this:

or this:

or this:

Enjoy!  Life is good!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I lost that A LONG TIME AGO!

Yes, those are two police cars, and Yes, that is the view from the front of my house.  And as they drove away, my friend (more like Emergency Life Vest) says to me...."Well Kathryn, at least all you lost today was $45 and YOUR PRIDE."  To which I said, "Well then, I only lost $45, because I lost my pride A LONG TIME AGO."

Let's start at the beginning. I have had an obsession with Cake Balls lately, and Daniel (my 1.5 year old) has had an obsession with opening the oven as I am cooking the cake balls...So there was a Carrot cake in the oven (it was going to make beautiful cake pops when combined with cream cheese frosting), I had 5 minutes before the buzzer rang to hang out the laundry.  On the way out I say, "Joseph, lock the door behind me so that Daniel doesn't come out."

Joseph dutifully locked the door....and seconds later I hear he and his brother (Gary) sneak out the laundry room door to go ride bikes.  At that moment panic set in...I already knew as I ran around checking each door, that we were locked out....And Daniel (the 1.5 year old with the oven obsession) is on the inside ALONE with a hot oven and a timer going off.

I grab the cell phone in my pocket and call Carol.  Within minutes the locksmith was called, and Carol (Emergency vest #1) and Ann Marie (Emergency vest #2) were at the house.  Carol had the duty of making sure Daniel stayed by the window and did not stray to the oven.  Meanwhile Ann Marie was trying to break into every door with all of her credit cards (apparently she has experience...and she is good) but don't worry, our perimeter is secure and each door is impenetrable. 

After 15 minutes and no locksmith, we call the non-emergency number to the police.  They send an officer right over.  I explain the situation and he says, "Well - I can get in, but I am going to have to break something."  AGHHHHHHHHHH!

Luckily at that moment the locksmith rounds the corner.  However, 20 minutes later it appears that not even the locksmith can open our doors.  During those 20 minutes one officer was with Carol talking to Daniel through the window, trying to get him to open the laundry room door.  The other officer was checking each window and trying his hand at Ann Marie's credit cards. 

Finally the policemen had formed a plan to break in with the least amount of damage.  While the locksmith informed us that he was just going to break one of the locks - which ended up being the least amount of damage. 

The door was OPEN.  I grabbed Daniel and the cake, and after almost an hour of trauma, we were all still alive (except for the cake).  The $45 to the locksmith was paid while the policemen were sounded their sirens for ALL of the neighborhood children (because ALL of the neighborhood was watching at this point). 

The policemen were AWESOME.  They were so kind and helpful.  They have experience in this kind of thing.  You see, the same two policemen were at Ann Marie's 2 weeks ago (?) because her daughter called 911.  Oh, and, they were at Carol's 2 weeks before that, because her daughter called 911.  But, they were GREAT to all of us and joked that they would see us soon.  I appreciated everything they said and did, but I hope I don't see them again at my house!