"There would be no Christmas if there were no Easter."
I wanted Ally and Sam's interpretation....Are you ready for this?
Sam - "If there were no holidays there wouldn't be much fun."
Ally - "The question should be, if there were no Christmas there would be no Easter."
Well, we have a ways to go....This morning it dawned on me that this would be my 35th Christmas, and shortly thereafter it dawned on me that Christ never reached a 34th or a 35th Christmas. And as a result of this conversation in my head, I thought of how much time I have wasted in BECOMING something very useful. I am going need 1,000 more years to amount to anything I would hope for. Christ did it in 33.
This Christmas I have found myself thinking more about Easter than about Christmas.....I am not sure you can seperate the two. As I read my scriptures this morning Issiah told the people that God would give a sign....
"Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign—Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
And I wondered what THIS SIGN should tell us. Please add to my list:
God Loves Us
God is Merciful
God is Just
God has a Plan
God has not Left us Alone
God knows how much we need HIM.......................................