Saturday, April 23, 2011

I've Got All My Eggs In One Basket!

Ally is 7, she is in 2nd Grade.  Last week she came home from school and said.  "Mom, someone told me that we aren't Christians."  Not trying to show any emotion I said, "And what did you say Ally?"......"Well, I said, 'Wait a minute!  We believe in Jesus Christ, I think we are Christian.'"  A little deep for Second Graders don't you think.  All I remember about 2nd grade was the Operetta and the...Well yeah, I guess that is all I remember.  I was proud of Ally for her unrehearsed response. 

Now if there are any friends or family members out there wondering the same thing, let me put your mind at ease.  We are Christians.  I BELONG TO THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS.  In fact, spiritually speaking, I've got all my eggs in one basket.  I don't think I can let that comment stand on its own.  Let me explain....

While we were growing up, we played a lot of Phase 10.  As we sat around the dining room table, someone would inevitably say, "UGHH, I've got all my eggs in one basket."  Meaning - there was only ONE option, they had to draw JUST THE RIGHT card, or they would never win.  It was usually my dad or mom that would say it.  If it was my mom, you could believe her,  if it was my dad, he was lying, and would usually win on the next turn. 

In real life, I realize that there is also only ONE OPTION.  "I say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved ." 2 Nephi 25:20

I believe that there is not another person, thing, or idea that can save me and my family.  So with all my heart I am clinging to the one great hope available to all of us - Jesus Christ. It is my firm belief that what we remember this Easter weekend is ESSENTIAL for every person.  The events that took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the Cross of Calvary were the greatest things to ever happen in all of the history of mankind.   

And on top of that, I know that there was an EMPTY TOMB at the end of 3 days time.  This year, the words, "He is not here, He is RISEN,"  have been etched upon my heart as a great source of comfort and hope.

I testify of a LIVING Savior.  And as Isaiah said, One who is ready to turn our "ashes" into beauty. There is no other Name, and, spiritually speaking, there is NO OTHER BASKET! 

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday night Sam was DYING of hunger.  I told him to get a HANDFUL of goldfish and then it would be time to brush teeth and get ready for bed.  Five minutes later I realize that Sam is sitting next to me on the couch eating goldfish out of a large cup (I think it was 5 minutes.  But in reality, I have no idea how many goldfish he had inhaled at this point.)  I say, "Sam!  I said a handful!"  He replies, "Mom, they wouldn't all fit in my hand!"  This is the point where I try to discipline without laughing. 

This past week has been full of these types of incidents.  I remember Elder Ballard saying once that it is important that families have unscheduled family time.  Well, since this week was full of NOTHING but tonsils, movies, naps, and cream of wheat, we had plenty of time to do absolutely nothing. 

The result = it was wonderful!  We played more games, had more conversations, and laughed more than we have in - well forever.  (Tonight we even had a full game of "No Bears Are Out Tonight!"  Gary gave away our hiding place every single time!  Ally gave away her own hiding place, and Sam couldn't stop giggling!  Jared tried to hide behind a light pole, he is skinny, but not that skinny). 
In reality I am just writing to tell everyone that we are doing great, the tonsillectomies were a great success, and sometimes blessings come in strange packages!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reality TV---REALLY?

This is a picture of Joseph....Do you see the look on his face?  That has been his general attitude towards life for about a week now.  I think the tonsillectomies have effected him more than Gary or Jared.  I think the look on his face and the potentail of the blanket in his hand becoming a weapon were his response when Jared said, "Smile Joseph!" 
Let  me tell you about another response....."Joseph please don't go outside, you are all dressed for church and you will get your church clothes dirty? ..... "No Mama!" .....  As I guard the front door for a few seconds and think that his urge to disobey has passed, I enter my room just in time to see him pushing out the screen in my window and crawling through it.  By the time I catch up with him, he is almost at Whitings....and I am out of breath. 
We finally get to church, with clean church clothes I might add.  Sacrament meeting was very enjoyable, the high councilman gave a fabulous talk, referring a lot to the Proclamation on the Family.  He talks about the things that will keep families together, " faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities" and in that order.  I think to myself, "it is hard to get all these kids to church each Sunday and struggle through church...but we are doing the right thing."  Perhaps, I just was not aware of how OBVIOUS our struggle was to our very kind ward members. 
I leave Sacrament meeting to go and teach my 16 and 17 year old Sunday School class (the best calling in the church, I might add).  They are always full of comments and updates as class begins, but this one came out of nowhere for me.  "So Sister Bolton, I have been thinking a lot....I think they should make a Reality TV Show out of your family, and I WOULD DEFINITELY WATCH IT."  There are a few comments that make you step back and look at your life from a slightly different view point, I think this was one of them.  And by the way, my Sunday School class could be a reality show most Sundays :)
So I will continue the struggle in church and outside of church, not because I want to provide true entertainment for the masses, but because it is my only and last great hope.  I will leave you with a favorite quote by John Adams.  Draw your own conclusions.
"What has preserved this race of Adamses in all their ramifications in such numbers, health, peace, comfort, and mediocrity?  I believe it is religion, without which they would have been rakes, fops, sots, gamblers, starved with hunger, or frozen with cold, scalped by Indians, etc. etc. etc.  melted away and disappeared."
Didn't that quote just describe the plot of LOTS of reality tv shows (minus the whole scalping thing).... I'm just sayin.....