Sunday, January 22, 2012

I am ONE of THEM!

You know who I am talking about.  She is the lady in the middle of the bleachers yelling at her child or the coach, or the children of the opposite coach.  Most of them have big hair and a fake fingernails.  And everyone around her is whispering, wondering why in the world she does not realize she is making a fool of herself.....she is clueless that anybody is even whispering, let alone that she is making a fool of herself. 

Yesterday as I sat at Ally's first Little League Basketball game, I realized (what I have probably known all along)  I AM THAT LADY (minus the big hair and fake fingernails).

Over the years we have been hesitant to enroll our kids in too many activities, okay ANY activities.  We wanted to have time for all of the important things and just didn't feel like it was needed.  However, as Ally entered the 3rd grade, I told Jared it was time....and then I started scheming. 

If she was going to be involved with something, it was going to be athletic (what in the world would I do with a dancer - can you say FOREIGN?)  And if she was going to be athletic, she was going to be good at it!  And if we were going to go to all that work, she was going to be ready to play ball in school, and if she was going to play in school, we should probably shoot for the state title ---Can you see where this was going? 

And the entire athletic career started YESTERDAY.  Ally and 4 little girls entered the court with JARED as their coach and the minute the whistle blew, MY MOUTH STARTED YELLING, and did NOT STOP FOR AN ENTIRE HOUR.  To be completely honest, most of the time I was not even aware that I was talking.....until I looked at the nice little families to the left and the right pointing at the children giggling at their innocence at the exact same time that I am yelling, "FOR HEAVEN SAKES ALLY GRAB THE BALL IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" 

Well, if yesterday is an indication of her entire athletic career, it may be dismal for both of us.  The team lost 6 to 14 and I lost my mind....If the next time you see me with fake fingernails, reel me in, shake some sense in me, and tell me that PEOPLE ARE WHISPERING....