Saturday, June 29, 2013


We are heading NORTH!  I - 15 is BEAUTIFUL!  There are rain clouds (with the actual possibility of precipitation).  GREEN...oh the GREEN...everywhere! We actually just passed a lavender field with GREEN and PURPLE all in the same field.  I never knew how beautiful NORTH was!

Usually I love living in Nevada (don't let my sisters tell you differently)!  But these past few days have been an INFERNO and the forecast shows NO reprieve.  I was all too happy to hitch up the trailer and get on the road.  

The only problem came when the trailer had issues, and the lights had bigger issues!  I don't know how it is that problems like these always get miraculously solved at the very last minute, but so it was with the trailer issues at 10:00 p.m. last night.  

I am slowly coming to the whole point of this blog post!  I LOVE BEING PART OF A WARD!  Yesterday as Jared was wilting away in the sun, Brad from down the street saw and quickly offered aid!  They worked for 2 hours and got it working...for approximately 3 minutes :)  and then it quit.

After another phone call, Tyson shows up with his truck full of TOOLS.  I never knew about these tools, who has tools like that!  An hour down, Jared (who had been an phone advisor through the whole thing)....followed by Andrew, and when Andrew comes, things just get done!

All within a few blocks we had enough know-how, talent, hard work, and just GOOD PEOPLE to finish it up!  All we had to offer them were cucumbers, cantaloupe, and Zucchini (and there is more of that)  from the garden,  the entire rest of the house was packed up tightly in suitcases ready to go today!  Heavenly Father is BRILLIANT!  This should not be a shock!  but I love being a part of a ward!  

P.S.  We made it and Bluebell is Beautiful!  The smell alone was enough to make me think I was in Heaven!  The minute I exited the car my mind carried me to "No Bears Are Out Tonight being chased by several Mattingley's" and Jay, Renn, and Chris in the neighboring tent discussing the perks of anti-persperant!  Life is awesome!  If I lived in the North I would blog every night just about how good it smells!