Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11th

Dear Emi,

It is September 11th, and just like the Fourth of July, needs no other Title.  I remember THE September 11th that created this anniversary.  I was 4 days away from getting married to your Grandpa!  But that Monday morning I woke up, met my carpool, and headed to Bear River City, UT to begin my final day teaching as a single woman.  I was the driver that morning and my passengers were sound asleep. Listening to the radio, and 2 minutes away from school the news came.....We interrupt this Broadcast......

We rushed into the school to meet all of our coworkers standing in front of a television.....The teacher that taught 5th grade as a full-time job, and was a Red Cross Worker on the side said, "They always tell us that when one tragedy strikes to be alert for a second one, if it is a malicious attack."  And just at that moment, the 2nd plane hit.

I had a class of 25 fourth graders to then attend to for the next 8 hours.  Full of questions...with no answers that I was aware of.  That afternoon I would call my parents who were at the time serving an 18 month mission in Birmingham Alabama, but had a flight scheduled to get home just in time for my wedding.  I was prepared to put on my brave face and say, "Mom, Dad, its okay if you can't come."  But true to form, they called first and said, "We are on our way, we just left Alabama and will be there in 2 days."

Four days later we celebrated our wedding.  Our reception was HUGE.  People came and it seemed that they simply did not want to leave.  They were all at the tables, eating, taking, enjoying some sense of normalcy. 

I have long been fascinated with John Adams.  Today I read an account of his heritage.  On his paternal side, his family fled from England  under persecutions from the Government.  On his maternal side, his family members were passengers on the Mayflower.  Thus earning him the title of "Son of Liberty."  It seems that his ancestor's sacrifice was in his DNA and his entire genetic make-up was geared to fight for freedom.

I have read it before, but today it struck me...."Son of Liberty."  Although my ancestors have a different story, theirs was a fight for religious freedom, fleeing from a government that would not allow religious freedom.  Today, I feel like a "Daughter of Liberty" as their sacrifice has been mulling through my mind for several days.

A few days ago, thousands of people at a political conventions shouted "NO" to the thought of including GOD in a political document.  I watched the video over and over, scanning the faces of these people screaming no to --- GOD.  And I was sick.  Sick for these people who thought it wise to ignore God.  God has a way of always being heard.  And when we don't hear the still small voice, mercifully, He has other ways to get our attention, and bring us back.

Emi...I am worried that our country has forgotten, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty are being lost in a sea of words and promises.

Love, Your Grandma....who is wondering where to go from here!

P.S. Emi, Liberty is always worth fighting for!