Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Note of Disclosure

Politics stirs something inside of me.  I can be having a completely normal day with an adequate amount of self control weighing in my balance, and then it happens....I hear the news, my heart starts to race (literally), my throat tightens and the WAR begins.

My grown-up, more restrained (don't laugh) self goes into battle against my Senior in high school self who sat directly in the middle of Mr. Issac's government class, just waiting for the teacher, classmate to say ANYTHING that could possibly turn into a debate.  I LOVED a GOOD debate.  But times have changed, and debating only leaves me with a pit in the bottom of my stomach.  I consider it sheer DIVINE INTERVENTION that Facebook was not invented during my teenage years.   Now only Mr. Issac's class and a few others get to remember me that way :)

However, because the issues have been occupying a lot of my thoughts as of late (and this blog is supposed to be about my thoughts) I thought it would only be appropriate for me to disclose who I am voting for......WAIT FOR IT........I know you will never guess.........Romney and Ryan (that has a nice ring to it :)

As of late, that stirring that I referred to earlier has been more frequent.  I like Romney, and when someone insults him, I take it PERSONALLY.  It reminds me of that quote in "You've Got Mail" when Joe Fox is trying to explain to Kathleen Kelley that what he did wasn't personal and in desperation she says, "What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn't personal to you. But it was personal to me. It's *personal* to a lot of people. And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway?" (this is my favorite quote)

I find ANYTHING "Mitt Romney" becoming personal to me.  I think it is very hard to separate Mitt Romney from Mormonism.  And  "I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ..." When he first started the campaign process, I watched with very critical eyes, looking for a flaw that would find him straying from the standards that Mormons hold dear.  Surely it would come.....he is a politician isn't he?  I have been watching now for over 4 years and my view has not been tainted.  He is a man who holds steadfastly to values.

Here comes the personal part.  Those values, just happen to be the SAME ones I believe in.  I have always wanted someone to ask me this question, "What defines you most as a person?"  Without belief in Jesus Christ and my knowledge that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His living and true church upon the earth.  

So when anything Mitt Romney is mentioned Mormonism also rings in the air...and then it personal. And what is so wrong with being personal anyway :)  I have never met him.....seen him, but I feel like I know him, because it is personal.  

Now lest you think I have based my voting opinions on his religion alone, I have one more thing to disclose :)  As much as I love members of my own church, I LOVE AMERICA and its future more.  My like for Mitt Romney is PERSONAL, my vote for MItt Romney is Political.  Political in the very purest sense.  Electing someone to Govern and not dictate, inspire not bind, and someone who will once again, let the bells of freedom ring.  Remember....."He died to make men holy, Let us Live to Make Men FREE."  

My soapbox has ended, the stirring has died down, now I will go make some cookies :)


  1. Well said! I have to agree with that. I guess I take it a little personal when people say to me that I am only voting for Mitt because we belong to the same church. If that were true.....I would have voted for Harry Reid also (which I DIDN'T DO). I think I think a lot about the measure of the man. I too, have watched carefully to see if he would do something that would make him less than reputable and honest. I read a lot, I watch a lot, and then I do what we all should do....I pray about that. So far, so good! I have felt good about this decision. And it does matter. We have a lot riding on this election. We are a blessed land. We need to do better. We can do better. We need better leadership. Now it sounds like I got on my soap box for a minute. Ha!

  2. bravo! Loved the post! Great movie line. Mitt Romney- he was my Stake president growing up in Mass. So calling him President Romney just fits. He is a wonderful, honest, hard working man- which shows in all he does. This is his moment to help America Shine again- an I believe he can do it; and this is our moment as a nation to capture what is really important- the issues and Mitt Romney being the one to really act on them. I have looked at the issues and also knowing the man and his family a little more, it's easier for me to know that he will do a great job as President.
