Sunday, June 10, 2012

Can You Say FOURTEEN?????

So today I took my old scriptures to church.  They are maroon and I LOVE them.  I think that the time period in which I used them, I fell completely in love with studying my scriptures!  So, as I sat in the back of the Primary room, I began to leaf through the which point I came across a great quote, which I have already forgotten, but which REMINDED me of another great quote.  It happens to be one of my favorites.  It comes from President Eyering and it goes a little something like this:

“My experience has taught me this about how people and organizations improve: the best place to look is for small changes we could make in things we do often.  There is power in steadiness and repetition. And if we can be led by inspiration to choose the right small things to change, consistent obedience will bring great improvement.”

He is right!  I know he is right, because I have tried this principle a dozen times since I came across this quote...and he is right!  And so, let me tell you how I arrived at the Number 14.  

I am not quite sure how to describe to you what happens to a person that has 5 children in a period of 8 years, but let's just say that it takes a toll (Mentally - YES!  Physically - ABSOLUTELY!)  I have an oldest sister who has always been a little slightly obsessed with exercising.  When I first started having kids I would say in front of her (JUST FOR THE REACTION)  I am going to have all of them quick, and then worry about losing the weight.  I GOT THE REACTION!  And 8 years later I was left wishing that I was the sister obsessed with exercising :)  

Several months ago, I realized that the physical toll that my body was paying was affecting everything.  What seemed like a weight problem was really a spiritual and emotional problem.  My energy was GONE!  I was sharp and unkind to my kids energy was gone.  I was convinced that I was going to die young....doubt and fear clouded my thoughts.   And MY FEET HURT!  So I did what I do when I need help, real help!  

I committed to myself that things were going to change and began that commitment with a FAST, to ask for Heavenly Father's help and direction.   At the end of my fast I was given the needed inspiration, and let's just say that I knew it was needed, because it cut right to the core.  This thought came clearly to my mind -- Kathryn, you sin in two ways.....What goes into your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth!  Shortly after this little revelation, my good friend suggested that I only eat when it was TIME to EAT!  Sit down at Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack.  But don't spend your day grazing on left over peanut butter sandwiches, pretzels, candy that the kids bring home from school......Do I need to go on?  

Because my physical problem was really a spiritual problem, this small change affected me enormously!  I am POSITIVE it was with Heavenly Help that I found it possible to close my mouth when something derogatory wanted to escape it or some wandering food wanted let it (Yes, when there are 5 small children, there is wandering food). 

The first week I lost 3 pounds!  It felt like 100.  To be perfectly honest, the first day I stuck to my commitment of controlling my mouth, I felt as light as a feather, it didn't even take a week.  That is the cool thing about the Lord.  When ever you make the motion, He meets your sacrifice IMMEDIATELY.  I came upon this scripture recently and thought it shared my gratitude better than I could:  Alma 34:31

31 Yea, I would that ye would come forth and harden not your hearts any longer; for  if ye will repent...immediately shall the great plan of redemption be brought about unto you.

Well, I think we are on week 8, and I have lost 14 lbs.  I know that doesn't seem like a TON, but as my coach Annie says, "It is a ton, a can of paint weighs 12 lbs."  A can of paint is heavy, and I am happy.  Actually, this entire post has very little to do with weight and a lot to do with gratitude!  I am grateful that the Lord never sees my problems as trivial or says with a disdainful look, "she got herself into this mess, she can get herself out of it!"  And most of all, I am grateful, that out of SMALL things, GREAT things are brought to pass!

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