Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It is Time to Take A Stand!

Last Sunday I gave a lesson on Combating Pornography that I have been preparing for 3 months.  The way that the lesson plan fell together was interesting (as usual).  Planning lessons is honestly one of my favorite things to do because, after much prayer and pondering, I can see the guidance of the Spirit very PLAINLY. 

On Sunday morning, it was all ready but the DELIVERANCE, or so I thought.  The beginning would talk about the DOCTRINES that combat pornography.  The middle would be the gradual ways that Satan introduces pornography into our lives, based on a talk by Spencer W. Kimball.  And the end would be a grand analogy given several months ago by our Stake President, comparing elephants to women and mothers (I'm good with that) and how they protect their young from the lions.  A part of that analogy kept coming to mind.   "They plant themselves firmly around the young and take a stand to protect them." 

I thought that I could give special emphasis to this point in my serious voice (the one that always reminds me of Joe and the Jaw) and then move on.  That would not be the case.

I woke up early that morning to read my own scriptures, and suddenly I knew what needed to be taught.  It was such a teaching experience for me that I wanted to record it for my kids.  Here Goes....

In Alma chapter 58, we find Heleman and his "sons", the 2060 stripling warriors in dire circumstances. 
In vs. 1-4 he explains to Moroni that there is NO way they can go against the Lamanites they are WAY too small.  They must sit and WAIT, hoping for help. 
In 5-6 he explains that the Lamanites are getting bigger by the day, they are taunting us. 
Vs. 8 - this is embarrassing. 
Vs. 10-11 -In a situation that seems more hopeless than most that I can imagine, Heleman's first response is to turn to the Lord -  "we did pour out our souls in prayer to God, that he would strengthen us and deliver us..."  Then.....He takes a stand
Vs. 12.  "And we did take courage with our small force...and were FIXED with a determination to conquer our enemies, and to maintain our lands, and our possessions, and our wives, our children, and the cause of our liberty."
Remember what the Stake President said, THE ELEPHANTS TAKE A STAND, and aren't we and they fighting for the same thing that Heleman was fighting for?  To conquer our enemies, save our children and our liberty?

Taking a stand probably came pretty natural to Heleman.  Remember that Heleman's grandfather was ALMA THE SENIOR.  He took a stand against the Wicked King Noah, while staring at the face of death.  And Remember Heleman's Father is ALMA THE YOUNGER.  He also took a very difficult and personal stand, against his own son, Corianton in Alma Chapter 39.  What about Heleman's kids?  Did they learn anything from the righteous courage of their fathers?  Let's just say that the lineage gets better and better.  Until we arrive at Nephi, who receives the sealing power.  In effect, the Lord was saying, I know you will do what is right, I will do anything you ask!  This family was a family that nobody wondered about.  Nobody had to guess Who's side they were ever on.....Especially not their own children. 

There is another character in this story....Pahoran....We generally think of him as a good guy, and he was, but.....Well, let's see...In Alma 61 we find out the reason that there was no food or men coming to Heleman.  There was an insurrection in the Capitol city, Zarahemla. And Pahoran, the man in charge, lacked the conviction to TAKE A STAND against those that were hurting their freedom and the lives of their soldiers.  Vs 19 "He was "worried concerning what we should do, whether it should be just in us to go against our brethren."  So he called in Moroni, and Moroni TOOK A STAND for him.  Nobody really knew where Pahoran stood sometimes. 

Does anybody know what happened to Pahoran's posterity.  They end up dead...And why you ask?   One of them was elected to rule, and instead of the rest of them TAKING A STAND for the right and supporting the brother that was elected, they killed each other.  I wonder if Pahoran's wishy-woshy ways did anything to his children.

Maybe I loved this lesson so much because it solidified in my heart something I already knew.  I always knew where my parents stood.  I still do.  Did their behavior affect mine, and generations to come.....IT IS TIME TO TAKE A STAND! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Ladder Leads to the Temple!

This week was one great big celebration.  When I say week, I mean week!  (And as a side note, before we get into the meat of this post, did the cake turn out cute or what!)  Ally turned 8 on Thursday. As you probably know, 8 is a big deal for us.  Baptism is on its way - in 6 days to be exact! 

On Monday night we had Family Home Evening, and that is when it all started.  We have been trying to prepare Ally for baptism FOREVER, but to get in one last "cramming session" we utilized Family Home Evening.  I drew a large picture of a ladder.  I had us on the bottom and a picture of the Savior on the top.  I asked the following questions:  "So let's pretend that this is us at the bottom and we need to get back home to live with The Savior again someday, what is the first step?"  --Baptism---  "How many more "covenant steps" do you think there are?"  --Three, the boys receive the Priesthood, we go through the temple, and then we get married in the temple-- "Do they have to be in that order?"  -- Yes!-- "Do we only climb the ladder once?  --  (This stirred up a little controversy, Jared thought way too deep, and well, I don't even remember what he said, but I said) --Yes!  We climb it again every Sunday as we take the Sacrament and "repromise" Heavenly Father all of these things! 

This little exercise stirred up some memories.  My dad once spoke at a baptism.  I was not there, but I got the full report afterwards via the telephone.  He said, "This is a great first step!  We all have to get baptized, BUT IF THIS STEP DOES NOT LEAD TO THE TEMPLE, IT WAS ALL FOR NAUGHT!  YOU HAVE GOT TO GET TO THE TEMPLE!"  To wrap up Family Home Evening, we talked about
that!  THE ROAD (or the ladder in this case) HAS TO LEAD TO THE TEMPLE!  So that was Monday!  We anticipated for 2 days and then on Thursday we had cake and unveiled the "birthday activity."

The Activity = On Friday we would be going to St. George, Going to the Temple Visitor's Center, out to eat, and staying overnight at a hotel and SWIM! 
It turned out really fun and a tradition that I think we will keep (However, next time we will not reserve through Hotwire and it will be all the more enjoyable). 
I am grateful for the temple.  Everything that is good and precious to me in this life is eternally linked to me there!  I am a daughter, a grandaughter, a great grandaughter...a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother......These are the things that define me and the things that will be mine forever, all because of the temple!