Monday, January 26, 2015

Mission Fulfilled!

So I got to go on SPLITS with the Sister Missionaries last night.  In the geekiest way possible, that has always been like a total dream of mine.  Just by way of confession:

I am a Mormon!
I didn't get married until I was 24!
And NO, I didn't go on a mission.

I tried....I tried to tell my family I was going--mostly for the reaction, (Let's be honest!  There is no lacking in the REACTION DEPARTMENT of the Foster Family!)  The Reaction came, but despite my best efforts to "prove them wrong,"  It simply was not for me.  I did not go.  Disappointed?  Nah! My life still feels complete! And Jared still married me even though he swore he would marry a return missionary (I won that battle :))  However, I have to admit that there is a bit of jealousy whenever I see these cute pictures of these cute 19 year old girls in their cute dresses saying good bye to their cute families and going out to CHANGE THE WORLD!

Back to the Splits!  I am not sure how much I was supposed to say, not being a full-time missionary and all, but I couldn't just sit there!  SHOCKING, I know!  Sometimes my mouth opens, words come out, and I am barely aware that there is supposed be a filter between the thoughts in my brain and the words that come out of my mouth. However, when you talk about the Plan of Salvation, and the Atonement, and the TEMPLE!  Seriously, I could have talked for hours!  I wanted to stop the missionary after every sentence she said and TESTIFY!  and maybe I did!  Don't judge.

I want my kids to go on missions, I really do!  AND I want them to go because it is a natural reaction of the things they KNOW and LOVE!  Do I want Ally to go?  YES!  Have the Foster's already given their reaction?  YES!  Will I be devastated if she doesn't?  NO!  I will only be devastated if she feels like she should and does not.  I set her free to make the best choice for her :0

As I was rewinding the night in my mind, I was also reading and came across this passage, that maybe explains my fascination, my geeky fascination:

IF there had been no Atonement, the rising of every sun would be a reminder that for us it would one day rise no more, that for each of us death would claim its victory, and the grave would have its sting.  Every death would be a tragedy, and every birth but a tragedy in embryo.  The culmination of love between husbands and wives, fathers and sons, mothers and daughters would perish in the grave, to rise no more.  Without the Atonement, futility would replace purpose, hopelessness would be exchanged for hope, and misery would be traded for happiness.  
"A cathedral without windows, a face without eyes, a field without flowers, an alphabet without vowels, a continent without rivers, a night without stars, and a sky without sun--these would not be so sad as a......soul without CHRIST!" 
(The Infinite Atonement)

I've seen one too many school shootings.  One too many crumbling families, one too many wasted days, one too many suicides.  One too many directionless thoughts and fruitless media advice.  One too many terrorist attacks and one too many children forgotten.  We are surrounded by the hollow promises of someone who would have us chained, imprisoned, miserable.  HOPE, is our only prayer.....and that only comes through CHRIST! 


  1. Kathryn could I please share the Infinite Atonement on my status please. I have a brother that really needs to hear this right now.. Just let me know please and ty..
