Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get To WORK :)

I believe I was a Beehive (strange name for a 12 and 13 year old girl’s youth group in our church), sitting on the copper folding chair in the Young Women’s Room of the Ashton, Idaho Stake Center.  There was some sort of fancy meeting going on and my dad was the featured speaker.  He was standing behind the brown kidney shaped table, in a dark suit, white shirt, tie, scriptures unfolded in front of him.  I was sitting to the right, probably in that navy blue knit dress that got WAY too much use during those teenage years.  

I have no idea what the topic was…..I am guessing it was “testimony,” but I distinctly remember him turning the pages in his scriptures to Alma 32 vs27 and reading it.  Then saying – “WAKE UP PEOPLE!  It all makes sense, look around!  It all makes sense!”  To this day, I can hear it and see it, and I am not sure why that burnt such a mark on my heart, but I don’t think that my testimony has ever been the same.    From that moment on, I have been completely in love with Alma chapter 32. 

To say that I have read it a few times would be correct, but over the past several months, I have read it with different eyes.  We are at a point in our lives when we are watching several young people that we love, go through the dreaded process (seriously, I don’t know how any of us survive it) of courtship!   I am now ready to rename Alma 32 to “Guide to Courtship, Marriage, and Beyond!”  I am sure that captivating title begs you to move forward.  (Maybe if you say it like Buzz Lightyear would say it, it would appear more exciting to youJ  It worked for me!)

We enter a rather difficult part of Alma’s life as he is teaching the Zoramites.  There are some that want to understand but Alma can see they are not ready to take that giant leap into faithfulness!  He knows that they would enjoy a SIGN right about now (vs17).  “If we just KNEW it was the right thing FOR SURE, We would do it FOR SURE!” Sound Familiar?

“I want to get married; I really do….but how am I supposed to know that HE is THE ONE?”  If I could just know for sure….”

Alma carefully corrects their desire for sign and basically says, it isn’t about SIGNS, it is about FAITH (faith is really a code-word for WORK).  So let me rephrase.  “It isn’t about SIGNS, it is about WORK.”  Yes, Courtship is WORK.  Working to FIND A RIGHT ONE, and making the right one WORK. 

So get to work (vs. 26)  LOOK AROUND!  AWAKE, Arouse Your FACULTIES!  Start DATING!  And once you get a date, examine it very carefully.  Remember, the seed will not grow unless it is a TRUE seed (vs. 28).  That means it has to be able to grow into something.  Perhaps something ETERNAL.  So are all the right things in order?  Is it the RIGHT TIME (remember MISSION precedes MARRIAGE).  As far as I know, could I take this person to the RIGHT PLACE (there is only one place that makes things ETERNAL)!  If you can answer YES to those questions….keep moving! 

And the Lord gives you another set of questions shortly after.  Does this process pass the SEED test (vs. 28)  SWELL, ENLARGE, ENLIGHTEN, and DELICIOUS?  How do you feel when you are with this person?  If any of the previous emotions occur, say to yourself, “It must needs be that this is a good seed,” and keep moving forward. 

Now it must pass one more test!  “And now behold, are you sure that this is a good seed?  I say unto you, Yea; for every seed bringeth forth unto its own likeness.”  (vs.31)  Remember this, a relationship born out of VIRTUE will want to remain VIRTUOUS! 

I could go on FOREVER!  Literally, I could, but I will stop, I will let you read the rest of the chapter for yourself and discover that the nourishing doesn’t end when marriage happens, and the process repeats itself until ETERNITY is finally here!  But please remember, Faith is code for WORK.  Working to FIND A RIGHT ONE, and making the right one WORK.    So get to work, because I am ready to plan some fantastic WEDDING GIFTS for some of you.  And for some others of you remember mission precedes marriage, so STOP working and WORK on something else J

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