Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Emi,

The first day of school has been conquered and EXHAUSTION is the end result.  However, it did not go exactly how it had been planned.  In my minds eye, I pictured a day where I finally regained composure and started on that To-Do list that turned into a BOOK over the summer.  Yet, as I looked at the clock just in time to run and pick Gary up from the Kindergarten bus, I glanced at the sink full of dishes  and realized that I had not even accomplished the basics and my BOOK gained another unexpected chapter.

 I have been losing my grip over the last month.  Three cardinal sins have been committed in a matter of 2 weeks.  FIRST, I opened my pantry to find that there was not one drop of KETCHUP left in the entire house.  What kind of mother am I?  No Ketchup.  So I call Jared in Vegas and send him to the store.  To my UTTER DISMAY he returns with a bag full of KROGER ketchup.  REALLY?  To my knowledge, there is only ONE kind of ketchup and it is spelled HEINZ...what kind of name is KROGER anyway.......SECOND, the bathroom closet contains NO MORE deodorant.  (Yes I realize that this is worse than ketchup, but not worse than KROGER ketchup).  FINALLY, my BENNY card has been SUSPENDED (Insurance is never EASY)!

So what did I do....I woke up this morning, went on a run, read my scriptures, and PRAYED really hard that I could get it together.  On my run, I listened to a conversation between Sherri L. Dew and Elder Cook.  Sister Dew posed this question....."There are some today that feel like life is almost becoming nerve racking....what is your counsel?"  Elder Cook's response, "I just feel exactly the opposite!  I don't think there is anything more significant that we feel joy and we rejoice in the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Now I realize that Sister Dew wasn't talking about ketchup and deodorant....But Elder Cook was talking to me.  I have much to be happy about!  And the To-Do Book can wait....until tomorrow :)

Be Happy Emi!  You know how this all turns out :)

Your Grandma, who is currently learning to cope with bad ketchup

P.S.  Did you know that your clothes dry quicker if you shake them out before you put them in the is Physics!  Ask Grandpa Foster about it before your journey begins :)

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