Friday, April 22, 2011


Yesterday night Sam was DYING of hunger.  I told him to get a HANDFUL of goldfish and then it would be time to brush teeth and get ready for bed.  Five minutes later I realize that Sam is sitting next to me on the couch eating goldfish out of a large cup (I think it was 5 minutes.  But in reality, I have no idea how many goldfish he had inhaled at this point.)  I say, "Sam!  I said a handful!"  He replies, "Mom, they wouldn't all fit in my hand!"  This is the point where I try to discipline without laughing. 

This past week has been full of these types of incidents.  I remember Elder Ballard saying once that it is important that families have unscheduled family time.  Well, since this week was full of NOTHING but tonsils, movies, naps, and cream of wheat, we had plenty of time to do absolutely nothing. 

The result = it was wonderful!  We played more games, had more conversations, and laughed more than we have in - well forever.  (Tonight we even had a full game of "No Bears Are Out Tonight!"  Gary gave away our hiding place every single time!  Ally gave away her own hiding place, and Sam couldn't stop giggling!  Jared tried to hide behind a light pole, he is skinny, but not that skinny). 
In reality I am just writing to tell everyone that we are doing great, the tonsillectomies were a great success, and sometimes blessings come in strange packages!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you are all doing well! It sounds as if you had a fun week having some laid back time with your family. It's nice to know that even people as organized as you do kick back occasionally like the rest of us. Seriously, incidents like the goldfish one are everyday occurences at our house. :-)
