Monday, March 7, 2011

Trust Your Gut!

...So I had another dream....(I know it is strange that my dreams talk to me, Don't Judge).  Remember how my last dream was meant to make me feel good...Well, I don't think that this one was intended for that purpose. 
I was at a conference, surrounded by people that I know and really respect.  The presenter did something really wrong, my blood was boiling, and I stood up and told the presenter exactly what I thought  (I know that doesn't shock anyone.  I have always meant to apologize to the Firth Volleyball Coach and the several of the refs).  Anyway, I went into the gathering room of the conference where all of my friends were eating, I mean REALLY EATING.  There was a ton of food.  I was disturbed that I was the only person upset by the presentation.  In my rage I yelled, "TRUST YOUR GUT WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHING IS WRONG.  NEVER MIND, YOU CAN'T TRUST YOUR GUT BECAUSE YOU ARE EATING TOO MUCH!" 
Although I was yelling at other people, I am pretty sure that was meant for me.  Maybe it is because I am not 20 anymore and I can tell that what I eat effects everything I do.  I used to think it only effected me physically, but once again I am wrong.  I know it effects me spiritually and emotionally as well.  Coincidentally, I was reading a portion of the Screwtape letters the day before.  The letter addresses Gluttony.  The "Devil in Training" is told to tempt his patient with gluttony and when you catch him, his "charity, justice, and obedience are all at your mercy." 
So guess what Family Home Evening will be about tonight.  You've got it, Word of Wisdom 101, straight out of the Nursery Manual.  Have a great night!

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