Thursday, March 17, 2011

Never Suppress a Generous Thought!

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting around our very LARGE kitchen table reading scriptures with my family.  Now imagine that you have heard this exact conversation probably 25 times.    Mom says, "So you have to listen to the Spirit and He will tell you what you need to do"...Ally says, "Mom, how do I know when the Spirit is talking to me?"…Mom says, "Um, Well, You know.  DAD, TELL HER HOW SHE WILL KNOW…"  Now this part will be really hard to imagine, Dad is no longer at the table, he has since taken Gary to his bedroom or he is cleaning up WHATEVER Joseph has thrown all over everyone.  I am stuck with the question and end up trying to describe something that I really do know, but have NO IDEA how to explain.  
It got me thinking...Am I listening to the Spirit?  Am I following His promptings?  Do I really know what I think I know?  After thinking about it for quite some time, I decided to do an experiment. 
  1. I got a notebook out.
  2. I wrote down EVERYTHING I "thought" was a prompting.
  3. I tried really hard to follow through with everything  I had written down before the day had ended. 
Please let me report my findings:
  1. Most of my promptings came in the EARLY MORNING HOURS DURING MY SCRIPTURE STUDY.
  2. The Spirit is not overwhelming.  I had this crazy idea that if I started following through on all of these "good ideas", I would have no time for the ESSENTIAL things that must be done each day in my home.  Which seems almost ridiculous to me now.  If Heavenly Father knows my current load, He also knows my current capacity.  I could follow the Spirit and not ignore my family responsibilities. 
  3. When you follow through on a prompting, and it doesn't end up how you thought it should.  It doesn't mean that it wasn't a prompting.
  4. The Spirit works by simple means….A prompting to write a quick note, a phone call, a drop-in visit…..This was a great relief to me.  I am a simple person.  I know it is hard to believe, but I CAN imagine Relief Society WITHOUT A TABLECLOTH and an Elementary School Party without a fruit tray.  Crazy, I know!
  5. Finally, IF I FOLLOWED THROUGH WITH SOMETHING QUICKLY, I FELT GOOD ABOUT IT.  (I have this personal problem. When I first receive a prompting I think it sounds like a terrific idea, as I let time slip by, I begin to feel embarrassed, like someone is going to think I am stalking them when I just wanted to help.  When HELPING contends with SELF DIGNITY, self dignity always wins." Sister Kimball said, "NEVER SUPPRESS A GENEROUS THOUGHT." 
If you are running out of time, this would be a great time to stop reading my post.  If not, please continue, this is the BEST PART.  In our local newspaper last week, there was a letter from a lady that has been in our valley doing construction for the past several months. It goes as follows: 

I am writing to you all to say that my job has come to an end as most of the jobs in my field do. But I wanted you all to know that you had a great impact in my life and were such a blessing to see each and everyday.
This letter is directed to all those kids that made sure they waved each morning and rolled down there windows to yell “hi”; to the parents that would slow down so I could say hello to their kids; to the family that brought me hot chocolate every morning; to the family that brought me fruit and scriptures; to the family with the little “hi five kids,” you know who you are. I treasure each and everyone of you.
To all the parents and people that were headed to school and work every morning to be inconvenienced by the construction zones, thank you for your patience and your smiles.
It truly was a great experience to work in your community. I will always remember the small town in Nevada with the friendly people.
God bless you all!
Nikki McCabe
Lady With The Pink Hard Hat


1 comment:

  1. well, i guess i should read the paper more often. that's a great letter. Landon always yelled Hi to nikki, so one day we were in front of the line so we could ask her name. from then on we yelled "hi nikki" every time we passed and she was so nice.
    great post. thanks.
