Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lesson Learned

This Sunday morning, Sister Noto called Ally to ask her to draw a picture for her primary teacher whose father recently died.  She was excited at the task, but didn't know what would be appropriate to draw.  I told her to go to her room and say a little prayer.  "Heavenly Father will always help you when you want to help someone else," I believe were my exact words. 
A few minutes later she came out of her room.  The prayer had been said, but she still didn't know what to draw. I told her to, "go back to your room, sit quietly, and pay attention to your thoughts."  After a while I realized that she was up to something.  I could her hear humming "I Know that my Redeemer Lives," and knew she was busily at work.  The end product was better than anything that I would have told her to draw. 
It is a heart with a picture of the Bible and Book of Mormon in the middle.  She has included several captions...."You will always have will get your ponder pray...the power that I get each time I are a eternal family forever" 
The story continues...Today's relief society lesson was on service.  I read it, and in connection with it, I read a few scriptures concerning charity - the pure love of Christ.  I had thought to myself, the truest kind of service, will always point a person directly to the Savior so that they may also experience the pure love of Christ.  I very quickly put all of these thoughts together, and I knew Ally's picture was an answered prayer.  Thank you Sister Noto, for providing this little learning experience for our family. 


  1. Kathryn....are you kidding me? You are amazing. I've read all your posts and now I think I will go throw away every book I ever had on being a good mother/wife and just come read your blog!:) Hope you guys are doing good. We should really plan a Foster/Christensen get together for this summer. it would be great. How is your Mom doing? Jay and I think about her alot. Hope she is good. Well keep writing so I can be inspired! :)

  2. Wow Jill, then I won't write about the 23 other hours of the day that I was yelling :)
    My mom is a trooper and she is doing fine, it is NOT fun, but she is fine.
    I agree about the reunion! Tell us when you make plans to be up there!
