Monday, September 15, 2014

Marriage is good :)

Jared and I have been married 13 years TODAY!  So in honor of contemplation I have made a list of why the last 13 years of my life has been AWESOME!  Fast, a blur, and tiring, but AWESOME.  INDULGE ME :).

1.  It is the BEST WAY for my kids!  There is something so GOOD AND SAFE about living within 4 walls that are are governed by two people that are totally and completely devoted to and love each other...Ask me, I know!  I was raised in one of those houses :)

2.  It is the best when there is someone to check up on you!  "Did you make it ok?"  "How is your day going?"  "I love you have a great day!"  Can you imagine a better text :). Not me!

3.   He does the dirty work!  Something in his genetic make up makes it perfectly ok for him to stick his hand down the dark slimy confines of the garbage disposal, fix a toilet, or remove the snake that enjoys our front yard!  My genetic make-up...does not!

4.  Can you say Reinforcement?  "What did your dad say?"  "What did your mom say."  Nothing gets by us :)

5.   He steadies me!  At the end of the day, when he is home and I am home....I know it is all going to be ok!

6.  I love to talk!  He loves to listen!  It works for us :)

7.  He takes over!  When I have done everything, I can do, and I am left exhausted!  Which usually occurs around 9 pm on Friday night :). I can can slip off to bed and know that the kids will be taken care of  and life is good!

8.  He makes the money and I get to spend it!  Seriously :). I can't think of a better arrangement!  In all  honesty, he is a wonderful provider and leaves me so greatful each day that I can stay home and be with my kids!

9.  Life is so FUN!  TOGETHER!
10.   And lastly!  He is my constant reminder of my greatest goal! My companion on the pathway to Eternal Life!  With HIM!  With Heavenly Father, my kids, and the myriads of family that make me complete!

Today is 13 years, but it is only 13 years and COUNTING!

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