Monday, August 12, 2013


The last two weeks have been crazy.  When you take a family that usually has lights out at 8 p.m. sharp and transport their bedtime to 11:30, you might as well have transported them to an alternate universise where chaos reigns supreme!  To top it all off, I have had ALLERies turned VIOLENT SINUS INFECTION within the last 7 days!  But all of this is quite secondary to the main trauma that has been happening...I will begin at the beginning.

Bear Lake, ID...Day one of Foster Family Reunion...on the beach, sitting under the canopy...Watching the kids reunite with cousins and the waves...eating a piece of chicken...and talking to my family.  It is important to note that in this story, the eating is SECONDARY to the talking,  obviously, because, as  I busily talked, I put a piece of chiken into my mouth accompainied by a lovely HORNET!  Which proceeded to sting my tongue repeatedly...let's just say that, for a brief moment, I thought the light was beginning to form at the end of the tunnel.

As the next two weeks unfloded, I began to notice my allergies flairing up and my sense of taste disappearing!  By last Friday, I was in a FULL BLOWN PANIC!  Jared and I went to the temple (which was lovely) and then to Chili's!  About the time that I realized that that there was no difference between my tortilla chips and Brownie Brittle my world became a VERY DARK PLACE.  So I kept eating, trying to find any hint of flavor.  As I swallowed gulps of salsa, I knew it was hot, I was sweating in fact, but no yummy tomato, salty ANYTHING!

For several hours I tried to resign myself to the fact that a hornet had paralyzed my tastebuds FOREVER, leaving me forever....TASTELESS.  At this point, my irritated eyes (which I had previously tried to scratch out on multiple occasions) seemed doable compared to a world without FOOD!

I had NO IDEA how much I relied on food for enjoyment!  Luckily, I am now medicated, and my sense of taste is slowly coming back to me!  The bag of Brownie Brittle is now gone, and I am ready to do a redo at Chili's.  I probably should have lost 10 pounds over the last 2 weeks.  Unfortunaltley, that would not be the case :)

1 comment:

  1. ha! i loved this, i've lost my sense of taste a few times and i do the same thing. Instead of waiting it out I just ate and ate and ate!
