Sunday, May 26, 2013


This week was INTERESTING to say the very least.  Monday morning started with a phone call, which really turned into a call to action.  The Nevada state Legislature was set to pass a comprehensive Sex Education bill by the end of the week....the bill was basically sponsored by Planned Parenthood.  I will not go into the details, but only to quote my good friend, "One time I started checking out Planned Parenthood to educate myself about the organization and soon had to stop because everything I read was pornographic in nature."  I cannot think of anything more damaging to our future, than to give the permissive pornographic culture which we are fighting so hard to deflect, a prominent classroom within the halls of our public schools.

I come across many causes I would like to help, but my life is busy and many I cannot justify taking from my family's  time to fight.  This cause I could not justify NOT FIGHTING.  So we organized, we called, we did what a tight-knit group of mothers does best, we spread the word!

By the end of the week, the prospects were dim and we started planning the VILLAGE once again.  (The village is the place where we (the neighborhood moms) Fantasize of raising our kids...located on Meek's property, and ran completely by US :) I was HEARTSICK!  I had one thing to look forward to.  Saturday would be Noelle Rust's bridal shower....and for some reason I could not wait for it to happen.  It went far beyond my COMPLETE OBSESSION with planning parties.  And minutes before the party started, it dawned on me why!

We were not having a bridal shower, we were having a celebration of VIRTUE.  A daughter of God (who my family ADORES with everything we have) had found someone just as pure and good as she was.  There was no denying at that moment, God takes care of His children.  There is a well marked path of virtue, even in a very wicked world.  As we celebrated, we were HAPPY, not entertained, but HAPPY.

Then a miracle happened!  In the midst of our celebrations I received a text!  The Bill Was DEAD!  It would not be brought to the floor!  I cannot wait for the morning to call the Senators brave enough to make the decision.  As others are criticizing them, and, oh how loud their voices are!  I am positive that Lord never did need to talk that loud to assure us that we have done is RIGHT, AND GOOD, AND VIRTUOUS!

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