Sunday, May 1, 2011

Random Thoughts

I have had several random thoughts milling through my mind the last few days.  I thought I would share a few. 

1- When it comes to Easter time and singing Easter Hymns, I wish I were a high soprano.  When I am singing HE IS RISEN how can I "tell it out with joyful voice" singing alto, it just doesn't work for me!

2-The other day Ally came to me and said, "Mom, I am a SO-FORTH!"  HUH?  "Mom, I am a SO-FORTH!"  What exactly does that mean Ally?  She then started singing the 6th article of faith to me:  We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.  Very Clever!  And I am sure there is some additional meaning there.....

3.  My mom always says, "You are only as happy as your saddest child."  I think I am finally starting to see what she means.  I think it is true...Motherhood produces those kinds of feelings.  I also think those feelings prompt us to do the BEST job we can do at all times. 

4.  The other day in Relief Society we were talking about tithing.  I made the comment that the Lord has always taken care of us and I believe it is a blessing of tithing.  I then said that it would be interesting to look back at my budget book and figure out how in the world we have made it through the last 10 years! 

Another lady in our group said, "I think the Lord has a different kind of math....When we pay our tithing, he uses that math, it is the same math he used when feeding the 5,000 with a few fishes and loaves."  I've thought about that for a while.....Before Jesus fed the 5,000, he prayed.  The prayer was one of Thanksgiving and reliance on the Lord.  Isn't that what we do when we pay our tithing - isn't it an act of Thanksgiving and reliance on the Lord? 

5.  In our last Stake Conference Broadcast, a Member of the 70 said that he was once given this promise, "If you will fast on Fast Sunday at the first of each month, you will be able to handle all of the struggles that you have in that month."  I found that to be true this month, but I felt it "wearing off" last week :)  I am glad that today is Fast Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. You should be thankful for tithing since you have never known how to balance your checking account. Tithing is your only saving grace.
