Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Ladder Leads to the Temple!

This week was one great big celebration.  When I say week, I mean week!  (And as a side note, before we get into the meat of this post, did the cake turn out cute or what!)  Ally turned 8 on Thursday. As you probably know, 8 is a big deal for us.  Baptism is on its way - in 6 days to be exact! 

On Monday night we had Family Home Evening, and that is when it all started.  We have been trying to prepare Ally for baptism FOREVER, but to get in one last "cramming session" we utilized Family Home Evening.  I drew a large picture of a ladder.  I had us on the bottom and a picture of the Savior on the top.  I asked the following questions:  "So let's pretend that this is us at the bottom and we need to get back home to live with The Savior again someday, what is the first step?"  --Baptism---  "How many more "covenant steps" do you think there are?"  --Three, the boys receive the Priesthood, we go through the temple, and then we get married in the temple-- "Do they have to be in that order?"  -- Yes!-- "Do we only climb the ladder once?  --  (This stirred up a little controversy, Jared thought way too deep, and well, I don't even remember what he said, but I said) --Yes!  We climb it again every Sunday as we take the Sacrament and "repromise" Heavenly Father all of these things! 

This little exercise stirred up some memories.  My dad once spoke at a baptism.  I was not there, but I got the full report afterwards via the telephone.  He said, "This is a great first step!  We all have to get baptized, BUT IF THIS STEP DOES NOT LEAD TO THE TEMPLE, IT WAS ALL FOR NAUGHT!  YOU HAVE GOT TO GET TO THE TEMPLE!"  To wrap up Family Home Evening, we talked about
that!  THE ROAD (or the ladder in this case) HAS TO LEAD TO THE TEMPLE!  So that was Monday!  We anticipated for 2 days and then on Thursday we had cake and unveiled the "birthday activity."

The Activity = On Friday we would be going to St. George, Going to the Temple Visitor's Center, out to eat, and staying overnight at a hotel and SWIM! 
It turned out really fun and a tradition that I think we will keep (However, next time we will not reserve through Hotwire and it will be all the more enjoyable). 
I am grateful for the temple.  Everything that is good and precious to me in this life is eternally linked to me there!  I am a daughter, a grandaughter, a great grandaughter...a mother, a grandmother, a great grandmother......These are the things that define me and the things that will be mine forever, all because of the temple!

1 comment:

  1. I just loved this whole post! I love the idea of the birthday celebration and going to the Temple, spending the night at a hotel, the whole thing. Very special.
    It's a bit late for me to grab that tradition and run with it, as my kids were all baptized eons ago, but I have grandbabies now, and maybe their papas can do this one when the time comes.
