Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Know How this All Turns Out

There is something about Stake Conference that makes me want to BLOG.  Last night was the Adult Session.  Every talk and song held something for me.  To start with we are adding Called to Serve to my Soprano list.  Although I am true-blue alto, there are some songs I MUST sing in soprano (perhaps my neighbors would not agree, but I simply cannot express how excited I feel on an low E).  Called to Serve is definitely a soprano song!

A young man, recently baptized spoke.  I was beyond impressed.  Impressed with him and my friends Skyler and Daniel Neil.  Out of a tragedy, the loss of their baby, and their reaction to it, they have changed generations of lives.  I know!  I am a product of ONE person that joined the Church and to date has changed many many lives.  I have always loved the I love them even more!

In a interesting train of thoughts, I also made a connection that I would like to share with you today.  All thoughts were prompted by what the speakers were saying, and the gracious way they invited the Spirit into the meeting.

I think it will have been 4 years ago that my mom and dad came to visit.  In the course of their visit we went to church and at the time I was serving as the Gospel Doctrine instructor.  If my memory serves me correctly we were in the New Testament...discussing all of the trials that Paul suffered.  My intent was to have a discussion on the GOOD THAT COMES FROM SUFFERING FROM TRIALS.  

On a side note, while growing up, if I was singing or talking in church, participating in the Show Choir or Musical at school.....I could always look down into the crowd and see my mom mouthing the words of whatever I was singing or talking about.  Whether it was a memorized selection or completely off the cuff.  She was mouthing...and interestingly enough, most times we were on the same wave length.  On this particular Sunday I distinctly remembered teaching and looking down to see my dad mouthing the words.  Carefully examining my life at this point, I can see that there can be NO SUBSTITUTE for an INTEREST that a PARENT takes in a CHILD. 

Back to the discussion...the good that comes from suffering trials.  Well, the discussion was not going the way I had planned, to put it bluntly, there was no discussion.  My carefully worded questions were not evoking any answers, so in a bit of desperation, I turned to my dad and said, "Dad, tell us, what does 3 kidney transplants, and cancer do for a person?" 
His response, "Well, through all of it I think I learned something.  The only thing I could control was my attitude." 
At the time I thought, "Really Dad, that's all you've got for me?" 

But after 4 years of careful consideration, I get it, or I am starting to get it. I looked back at my dad's journals, the day he was diagnosed with kidney failure.  Without writing anything to private, he recorded the following thoughts.  "I’m not afraid to die or even be sick, although I realize that being sick is not my best thing.  .  My greatest concern is with my family....This is a tough time for all but our faith and love for each other will help us through.  I have such great promises ... and I need to have the faith required to receive those blessings.  I pray that I will be a more dedicated servant. "

President Messer reminded me last night of something that President Hinckley said to Mike Wallace at the very end of his initial interview with him.  Mike Wallace asked him how he could always be so cheerful.  President Hinkley's response (roughly quoting)  "Mike, I know how this all turns out!" 

My dad knew how it would all turn out as well. He knew it 35 years ago at the initial diagnosis, and he knew it 2 years ago, when it was time to REALLY KNOW!  I know beyond any doubt that there is hope during the hardest days, there is light in the darkest nights.  Because in the beginning there was a FATHER that took the greatest interest in all of us and sent his Only Begotten Son.  Because of Him, I should be the happiest person on earth, every day!  After all, there is only one thing that I can control!

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