Sunday, September 25, 2011


At the slightest scent of smoke in the air, my heart is transported to Ashton.....Perhaps to the HUSKY HUT, watching the football game, listening to Ms. Howe cook hamburgers, and wearing a heavy jacket all at the same time.  Brisk walks with mom and dad on the exactly 2 mile route that encompassed our neighborhood, mom and dad showered ready for the day, Susan and I sporting pajama pants and one of dad's MANY jackets.  Spud Harvest!  Need I say more? 
Although fall is not really the same in Nevada (sometimes, I am not sure fall exists in Nevada), the feelings are the same.  An urgency to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, walk around the block as a family, break out the hot chocolate, and (yes you are reading this right) UNLEASH THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!  I love fall. 
I also love that fall brings General Conference!  Last night I attended the Relief Society General Meeting.  It was pure genius.  President Uchtdorf made me want to live every day like it was my last, Sister Allred (who bears remarkable resemblance to my good friend's mother) makes me want to be kind, Sister Thompson makes me want to be brave because she has borne trials that I have not had to and with sheer grace!  I love her! 
It is Sister Beck, however, that today I want to thank (perhaps I should mail this straight to her). 
Throughout the years of my young motherhood, Sister Beck has spoken directly to my heart.  She has had the courage to say HARD things, many times, I am sure at the expense of her own popularity!  Her quotes rush through my mind at times, "BE BRILLIANT IN THE BASICS,"  "WHAT GOOD HAS MY LIFE DONE ME,"  "MOTHERS WHO KNOW......."  Today I would like to thank her for simply being an instrument that the Lord could use to shape my family's lives in countless ways.  I know what she speaks is TRUTH.  I have taken her "suggestions"  and cultivated them in my life.  They have grown into testimonies of God's love for families.  He has provided the WAY! 
One year as we were vacationing at Bear Lake, Elder L. Tom Perry happened to be our neighbor.  That week my dad went and bought a flat of the ever-popular Bear Lake Raspberries and delivered them to Elder Perry simply saying, "we never get to THANK-YOU for all of the things that you do."  I would like to take a flat of raspberries (electronically speaking) to Sister Beck.  In fact, I would like to thank all of my leaders who are CALLED of God to serve in callings that they did not ask for, but they were willing to take, simply because they love the LORD.  THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. i love sister beck!

    and i need to take you up to reno, where the fall is crisp and cold and the mountains are covered in gold and red. it is beautiful in northern nevada! (only southern nevada stinks in the season business)

    and i'm probably going to be late to church because of yoU!
