Monday, July 11, 2011

Mission WHERE?

Yesterday when we were eating dinner the topic turned to, "I wonder where I will go on my mission..."  The kids were giggling and talking and Jared said, "Okay, I will tell you where I want all of you to go on a mission."  Then pointing to Sam, Gary, Joseph, and Daniel he said, "China, India, Bangladesh, and Kuwait."  At which Ally sheepishly said, "Dad, if I go, where do you want me to go?"  Without missing a beat, Jared said, "NORTH CAROLINA!" 
Listen, I am all about women's rights, but I was in TOTAL agreement with the entire conversation :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not in agreement. I don't want alice to go, but I guess if she had to I would choose North Carolina. Clark and I were listening to a dad speak about his daughter on a mission in Russia in church and I said, "Clark I'm going to tell our daughters it's against church rules for them to go on a mission, I'd miss them to much and worry every single day they were going to die of starvation or freeze or get mugged" To which he replied, "You will be happy if they decide to go on a mission and what about your boys? Will you worry about them." I said, "Naw, I won't like them as much." Ha ha ha.
