Thursday, November 20, 2014

Can You Say BOOK CLUB!?!?!

So!  I officially belong to a book club.  A LEGIT book club.  Like so legit that they have been reading books together for over 10 years and have a monthly record of the books they have read, which they like to stroll through every once in a while.  Made up of some of the funniest, most honest people ever!  Not to mention the after treats that I partake of, but do not always furnish :)  It may be the BEST THING TO DATE that I love about Payson, UT!

I started the year of 2014 with a goal.  I was going to read 24 books this year!   Honestly, this was a really exciting goal for me.  I LOVE to read.  But that was not always the case.  When I was a teenager, I received a blessing that instructed me to read "good books" that would enrich my life. (like not just the scriptures etc which I love the most, but....books!)  My love for literature was not instant, but Harry Potter may have been accelerant....and I may or may not think that he is real sometimes :)   And I may or may not sometimes still cry when I remember that Dumbledore is dead.

ONWARD!  This year, I was going to Make TIME!  If something was important enough to be instructed about, I should probably get on with it.  I have read 20 books to date, and loved most of them....(which I will list soon hereafter).  What I have loved the most about this entire goal is what I have noticed about me.  And it all came together for me during a Young Women's lesson this week taught by my friend Stephanie!

We were studying the Word of Wisdom and the blessings to body and mind that come with it.  I read this particular verse.  Doctrine and Covenants 88:124

Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; cease to find fault one with another; cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.

I hope you don't find this a stretch at all, because, it all made perfect sense to me.  I have always wondered why that phrase in red was included in a verse that seemed to be about good health.  Then I realized that this last year has been a little different for me.  Because I have been reading, I have had very little desire to talk bad about people or things or insignificant things in general.  It is like my thoughts have been elevated.  Gossiping doesn't seem to be much fun!  I would rather talk about China!  AND BELIEVE ME, THERE IS A LOT TO TALK ABOUT CHINA!!!!!!

Work through makes sense eventually :)  So now for the books!  I will list them in the order I read them and rate them or caution them for your reading pleasure!

1.  Elizabeth Smart, My Story
I had to read this in one day....getting to a happy place before I went to bed.  It is hard to read, but she is AMAZING and her story needs to be told.  
2.  The Great and Terrible- The Brothers
This book made me think more than any other book this year.  I eventually read this entire series.  Although the character development is sometimes a bit shallow, the story line is intriguing and worse yet, possible!
3.  Assisted by John Stockton
I have elevated Stockton from a good guy to a HERO!  Great book!
4.  Great and Terrible -When Angels FAll
5.  Gifted Hands!
There is a quote by C.S. Lewis that says "since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage."  Ben Carson is one of these!
6.  The Great and Terrible #3
7.  The Great and Terrible #4
8.  The Giver
An all time I have not seen the movie!
9.  The Great and Terrible #5
10.  The Great and Terrible #6
11.  God's Double Agent!  Bob FU
By far the most influential book I read all year.  I have been changed!  READ IT!
12.  Strength Training for Women
13.  My Name Used to be Muhammed
The story was fascinating.  Some of it was hard for me to hear.
14.  I Knew their Hearts
15.  The Secret Journal of Brett Colton
An all time favorite!  One of the few I could read over and over.
16.  Heaven is for Real
17.  A Distant Prayer
Another to add to my book of Heroes!
18.  When the Bough Breaks!
I love the writing more than anything else in this book :)
19.  The False Prince
Slow to start, but left me wanting more....Christmas maybe ...Jared?
20.  Bishop's Agent

I plan on meeting my goal by finishing when I am already reading, The book of Luke, My December Book Club Book, and "A History of the Lost Rhoades Mines."  Just so I can talk to my Brother -in-laws about their crazy stories :)