Friday, March 22, 2013

Of Primary, Elmo, Obedience and Tinfoil!

I think I have just entered one of the funnest stages of life!  My kids are doing the best and funniest things, and I am enjoying every minute of it.  I am not sure what has changed, I am sure they have always been brilliant and funny, but something in me has relaxed just enough to see and enjoy.

Yesterday Jared told Daniel to go make his bed...Daniel is 2!  This was the result!  Yes, that is Elmo with a binki in his mouth :)

Two days ago I went to the Thrift Store with Joe (4). I let him buy a package of Spider-man Invitations.  When we got home he quickly opened them and asked me to read them.
I said,  "You're Invited to a party!"
He  immediately said, "YES!"  and then walking away he said, "I wonder which party it is?"

That was fun, but Joe did something amazing this week....I quote from my friend's blog  (she is the song leader in our Primary):

As the Jr. Primary children hurried into the primary room after sacrament meeting , I stood in front of the room  and sang songs, welcoming them in.  This is what I do every week. Little three year-old Lauren Hopkins was having a very hard time in Primary. Her mother, Larissa, sat beside her for a few minutes,  reassured  her, and then got up to leave. Lauren tried to suppress her tears, but it was more than her little heart could take and she began to sob.  I guess it was more than Larissa's heart could take as well, and  she went back and sat by Lauren.    Once again Larissa comforted Lauren,  and stood to leave. And  again, Lauren began to sob.  Larissa took courage and did what a mom needs to do sometimes; she did not go back to Lauren.  I quickly began singing  fun little action songs with the children in hopes that I could catch Lauren's attention and keep her from crying.  It didn't work.  Her crying increased, but I was so surprised by how still and reverent the rest of the children were.  They were softy singing as if to comfort  their little friend.  .  Then something amazing happened.  As we were quietly singing I watched four-year old Joseph Bolton reverently get up from his chair.  He walked behind where she was sitting and put his arm around her shoulders, while bending over to show her that it was him.  So calm. So sacred. So perfect.  As Lauren's cries began to subside,  Joe quietly returned back to his seat never saying a word.

Joseph has always had a tender heart...I hope I don't ruin it :)

The Bishop recently asked our family to study "Obedience and Sacrifice" for the next three months and then be willing to talk about what we had learned.  It has been really fun.  When we meet for Family Home Evening we come ready to study instead of present!  The other day we asked the kids to write in their journals what was hard about obedience.  Without Ally's permission I am sharing her's!  (because I think it is so cool..great insight for a 9 year old!)

And as a passing, closing thought, I thought I would share with you just how much tinfoil is on a small roll of Great Value Tinfoil.....Because at this point, Daniel, Autumn Whiting, and Jared and I may be the only ones that know :)